May 18, 2020

The tools that the devil uses most often are temptation and deception. Temptation is to make you want to quit and give up on God, and deception is to make you believe that you’re never going to come out of your circumstances.

Satan has been plaguing the Church of Jesus Christ with these two lies since the beginning of time. But I encourage you, believer, not to fall into these traps. Examine yourself when the enemy is trying to afflict you with these two lies. Know that God is faithful, and look behind your shoulder, whether you’ve been saved one year, ten years, or twenty years; look at the footprints of Jesus behind you that have brought you up to this point, and see that God has never failed you.

Hold on to that picture in your heart and mind through faith, and then you will not fall into the entrapments of this loser called the Adversary. One of the greatest things the enemy does is to cause a person to make a permanent decision based on a temporary situation. I believe we get stuck on the broken parts of our lives and sit in those areas far too long, even though we know that storms don’t last.

It’s time to get up from the ashes and dust ourselves off from the residue of life, look the enemy eye to eye, and take back our identity. In case you’ve lost it and can’t find it, your identity starts at the Cross. Get back to that place, where everything begins and ends in Jesus Christ.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)

My name is Cesar and I’m a Voice In The Desert


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