May 18, 2020

The enemy will open portals, or doorways, to bring someone back to their past in their mind, before they were saved, especially if the person was delivered from certain strongholds such as drinking, drug addiction, or fornication, for example.

He will use those old strongholds to tempt that person in order to bring them back to that place over and over. In a subtle, convincing way, the enemy will try to convince you that the grace of God will cover you and that it’s OK to give into those temptations He has delivered you from. This is called premeditated sin.

The grace of God should never be taken for granted. In a similar way, if there was a season in our past in which we struggled with things such as unbelief, self-condemnation, shamefulness, abuse, or rejection, the demons will find ways—through our church, through other believers, or especially through family members—to bring us back to the ashes of these circumstances that the Lord has delivered or healed us from.

Another weapon that the enemy knows how to use is the negative words that come out of other people’s mouths or—even worse—out of our own, to set up the trap that will drag us back into the mud. Our Christian walk shouldn’t be that way. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21 NIV).

My name is Cesar and I’m a Voice in The Desert


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