May 23, 2020

God has a divine response to every demonic plan. Since the days of Christ’s crucifixion and glorious resurrection, the devil is the ultimate symbol of defeat. He is only a puppet to those who are not ignorant of his devices.

 It is only through the weapon of deceit that he holds the world in bondage. We who know his true state continually exercise our authority over him. This marks one of the chief differences between the true Church and the carnal, compromising church in this hour.

Believers must maintain two positions in this hour: Lay low before the Lord in consecration and prayer, and stand up against the forces of darkness in the authority of Jesus Christ.

 The first order for the Church is to be in agreement with God. Sadly, many professing believers are on the devil’s side. You cannot walk in the authority of Christ if you’re living in sin and walking in darkness and in Satanic abortion, same sex marriage, and remain silent against all the evils that have infiltrated and are now dominating American culture. We cannot ignore and live in the politically correct zone concerning the dangers of radical Islam and the anti-Christ agenda in America. Silence in such an evil day is grief to the Holy Spirit and a certain impending judgment.

The second order for the Church must be to forsake church growth-ism and popularity, and actually restore and nurture kingdom culture. Simply put, attendance on Sunday morning is great, but the kingdom encompasses a lifestyle. The awakened Church is transitioning from an image-based, consumer-driven enterprise to a relationship-based family, and kingdom-consumed army. What this means is not only receiving people into our church buildings but receiving them into our hearts, our lives, and homes. This will cost us our very lives, but joy and peace will fill our hearts as we labor in the harvest fields of humanity.

Thirdly, the commitment to love and unity and the increase of the manifestation of the supernatural power of God will catapult the Church into far greater effectiveness and fruitfulness in the coming decade. Believers will learn to live a Spirit-filled life, and a holy love and devotion to one another will mark their walk with God. I am seeing this love and honor growing among the remnant wherever I go. Ministers are preferring one another before themselves.

Local shepherds are reaching out to other local shepherds and cultivating relationship and prayer with them. Believers who are dissatisfied with the world, and carnal, compromising church systems are banding and bonding together. This is actually a move of the Spirit that will quietly mushroom and affect entire economies as this unity prevails. The true Church will be a place of refuge for multitudes who will find true peace and fulfillment within its embrace.

God is preparing and positioning us for great battles and great victories in the tumultuous 2020s. We are now in a precursor time of repentance, judgment, and cleansing.

Due to the diverse nature of the Church she will continue to take on many forms and structures, and the Lord will use and bless each as much as He can, because He loves people. But the awakened, rising remnant and those who truly know their covenant-keeping God will do exploits (Dan. 11:32).

 My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice in The Desert


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