May 07, 2020

It is absolutely true that we did inherit everything in Christ the moment we were born again. Most people, however, do not possess it experientially except the hard way—step by step and battle by battle. God commanded Joshua, “Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you” (Joshua 1:2–3).

When God spoke this command to Joshua, the Israelites had not put one foot on the ground in the land of promise. Yes, that land was theirs legally because God said, “I am giving the land to them.” To possess it, however, they had to take it experientially by warfare. They had the legal claim, but they had to assert that claim in the face of every opposition. It is a good thing Joshua and the children of Israel were not like many modern Christians.

When God said, “I’ve given it to you,” the children of Israel, like some believers today, could have folded their arms, stood on the east bank of the Jordan River and said, “Praise the Lord, it’s all ours. We got it all!” Had they done that, the Canaanites would have laughed in their faces. Here is the reality: You do not have more than you have possessed.

You and I can, however, possess our inheritance if we go about it God’s way: deliverance, holiness and then possessing our possessions. Deliverance of God’s people from the invading army of demonic spirits is the necessary prelude to the rest of that process.

My name is Cesar and I’m a Voice in The Desert


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