March 27, 2020


My Dear  brethren around the world,

Please be advised that during this hard times that the world is going through and the hard persecution that is occurring with us Christians. I want to let you know that Facebook has started to very seriously censor and limit our posts exposure about Jesus Christ. They have sent me a lot of warning stating that the post ones not comply with their community standards. We cannot even put the link to our podcast page for your benefit because now it violates their community state. Oh dear God you did say these days were coming in which we would be disposed because of you but you also told us don’t worry because I to have conquered the world.

Please my dear brethren make this post go viral and let Facebook know that they re not God. Make this post viral and let’s make some noise in the name of Jesus and let’s rattle satan’s cage.

Please forward this to all you family and friends an let them like and follow the page and grow it beyond their comprehension. I count on all of you for your continued help in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s speed and we need all your help to stop this discrimination against Christians.

Share and like grow it and grow till they are dumb founded.


Please see below the proof of my argument. This is not a joke and is to be taken very seriously. Today it’s us tomorrow it could be you.

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