October 05, 2020

"Good Works" Must Accompany Faith


In Matthew 25, Jesus seems also to be defining spiritual care in practical terms—giving people food, water, shelter and clothing rather than using specifically religious terms, language, or rituals. This alone does not limit spiritual care to practical needs nor does it negate the practical and spiritual helpfulness of religious terms, language, or rituals. 

This definition simply elevates practical care to ministry legitimacy. Jesus understood that unless their basic survival needs are met, people are not in any position to want or appreciate being in fellowship with others, be it with like-minded believers or in any other social community. Likewise, people certainly are not in a position to care about matters of theology or doctrine—even their own eternal survival needs—when they are focused on their present and physical survival needs.  

By a chaplain's very mandate to be involved in the crises of people's lives, regardless of personal religious convictions, the chaplain is often in the position of ministering to the basic needs of others. That ministry is not a "hook" to obligate the client to remain for the sermon or any other overtly religious teaching or service but as a genuine example of the chaplain's own living faith. 

Ministry is provided without conditions and unrealistic expectations, out of genuine love and compassion.

My name isCesar and I’m a Voice in The Desert 






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