October 18, 2020

Christians that have spiritual problems

 The underlying problem That we have uncovered, we discovered for those who are overly dependent on others to receive deliverance, is a faith problem. For various reasons they find it difficult to make a step of faith on their own and do what they know they should do. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God have usually spoken to them about it, but they either (1) don't recognize it as the Holy Spirit, (2) are fearful of the reactions of people around them if they follow the Holy Spirit's and the Word's direction, (3) feel unqualified to confront the devil, take authority over him in the Name of Jesus and boot him out of their lives, (4) really don't want to give up what has caused the the problem to begin with and are looking for someone to tell them it is alright to continue living as they are, (5) have given in to discouragement and believe what the devil tells them about the situation, (6) or any number of other reasons which eventually reduce down to the simple fact that they have not put into practice in their lives what God has to say about the situation. 

The fact is that God has provided for our every need, but it is our responsibility to meet whatever conditions He demands in His Word so that we can receive His Promises. For instance, God has provided Salvation for every individual on this earth. But in order for them to be saved, (1) they have to be told that Salvation is necessary and possible, (2) they must repent of their sins and confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus, (3) they must believe in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, (4) and they must receive the salvation from their sins by an act of faith in God's Word. (Romans 10:9) We all know of people who feel those steps aren't necessary and as a result are not able to receive Salvation. God wants them to receive and so do we, but until they actually believe God and do what is necessary to be saved, they will not be saved. 

So the bottom line for Christians who have spiritual problem areas in their life is to understand that they must believe God's Word more than anything else if they truly desire to have victory in their lives. The problems will not disappear until they symbolically grab the "horns" of their problems by faith in God's Word and deal with them correctly. If they continue (1) wishing their problems would go away, (2) blaming others for them, (3) getting angry with God or people in the Body of Christ, (4) or making excuses for them, etc., they will only get worse. This is crunch time in world history. The devil is running loose in a last desperate attempt to deceive the inhabitants of this earth. The powers of heaven are being shaken. 

There is distress of nations, earthquakes, hurricanes, drought, famines, wars and rumors of wars, men's hearts failing them for fear. (Luke 21:25,26) We must stop playing games and get serious about serving God. When we do, God will do everything He has promised in His Word. We will be the more than conquerors that Romans 8:37 says we are. We will use these last, perilous days (II Timothy 3:1-17) to show the Power of God as it has never been shown before in history. Don't be impatient like the people of this push-button generation. Spiritual warfare is just that-warfare conducted in the spirit realm. We would all rather see it happen instantly in the physical realm, but it usually takes time to manifest itself from the spirit realm so that it can be seen with our natural eyes. 

That involves faith in God and that is usually where the breakdown occurs when people have difficulty in spiritual warfare. When a lifetime of faulty habit patterns collide with the way God says we must live, guess what has to change? That process of getting our habit patterns straightened out takes time. God does His part in the situation and then we must walk it out with the help of the Holy Spirit on a day-by-day basis, applying the Word of God consistently to the problem area of our life until the walls of our spiritual defense system are strong enough to withstand the battering ram of the devil's deception. There is no place in spiritual warfare for laziness. 

We've had people call or write us about some major problem area in their life, who have either just skimmed through our book or else haven't even read it, although they have a copy in their possession. They expect us to wave a magic wand by praying a prayer over them that will change their life. That just doesn't happen. Each one of us must be faithful to do our part in the situation; pray, read our Bible, believe, resist the devil in the Name of Jesus, loose or allow the Holy Spirit to do His Will in our lives, live in obedience to the Word of God and receive His Promises by faith, among other things. When we do, we will experience all the freedom, joy and power God has for His children. Is that what you want? Read on our other messages and Podcasts  because that is exactly what God wants you to have! Listen 🎧 to more or of our messages through our podcast page and other major platforms.

My name is Cesar and I’m a Voice In The Desert 












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