August 23, 2020

You are a part of everything God is doing

 The assignment of all believers is to turn unbelievers into believers by demonstrating who Jesus Christ truly is. Often people want to get in when the Kingdom comes. In this message , we will look into supernatural ministry, spiritual maturity, and practical and tactical ministry that is focused on revealing Christ to the world. A changed heart leads to a renewed mind, and a renewed mind can lead to a changed world if we would only obey Jesus consistently and corporately. The man of the hour with the power is over and done with; the ministry of Jesus belongs to the saints, not to a select few. To say it another way, the one-man-show type of ministry is an old wineskin, and God will not pour new wine into it. 

To further drive home my point, it’s game over for “the one man show/man of the hour with the power.” This message was written for you so that you have something tangible to encourage you as you continue the work of Jesus. The gospel has been entrusted to you; His government is on your shoulders because you are His body. You are a part of everything God is doing. Your past does not disqualify you. So put your hand to the plow and never look back. 

Core values are necessary if you don’t want to compromise the truth of God’s word or who He has called you to be as a person, church, or ministry. I am going to share seven core values of our ministry. Honestly, there are times I fall short of my values, so I am not perfect. However, I am forgetting those things that are behind and pressing forward with Jesus. Remember, friends, we must leave the past behind if we want to live properly in the present and be where we need to be in the future. Ministry is about knowing God and serving others.

 If we are going to do this effectively we must live in the present moment, not in the past or the future. You don’t have to be afraid of the future or in bondage to the past. It was for freedom that Christ set you free, so stay that way and focus on the now. Focus on what the Lord is doing in your life. As we live attentively and thankfully in the now we are actually positioning ourselves for the future plans of the good that God has for us. 

Remember, our values speak of Seven Core Values of We See Jesus Ministries 

1:To know Jesus Christ and to be known of Him. Our desire is to delight ourselves in the Lord and to be His daily delight. The first priority is to be loved by God and to love God. Sitting at the feet of Jesus is a positioning of the heart. When your heart is properly positioned, you will have ears to hear His word and naturally your heart will burn. When your heart burns, your mouth naturally opens as God wills. We learn that lesson from the prophet Jeremiah, when he said, “His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones” (Jer. 20:9 NKJV). Then you have something worth listening to that will edify your spirit as Jesus is magnified. This ministry believes that the Father’s desire is to magnify Jesus in our vision and deepen our affections for Him and our devotion to Him. As this happens, we naturally represent Him accurately. As we have oil in our lamps, light naturally—or should I say supernaturally—shines in the world. 

2: Long-term change comes by lifestyle change, one life at a time. Jesus taught in Matthew 5–7 and Luke 6 that He came to bring a whole new “Way” of life to the earth—His life. Jesus did not just come to give us enough truth for others to think we are not deceived. Having good doctrine or a solid statement of faith on a nice pretty website is simply not enough. To have truth and do nothing with it is a great way to build your house on sand and deceive yourself by being a hearer of the word and not a doer. This is disturbingly frequent in a society that bases too much on head knowledge and not enough on lifestyle, character, and good works that reflect biblical faith in Christ Jesus. 

3: We exist to create a supernatural hunger for the Son of God in His Church so that the bride makes herself ready. As a ministry we believe that Christians can avoid problems in their lives, churches, and families by putting Jesus first. When we put Jesus first in all manners of life, we will have trials and persecutions, which are a whole lot different from problems. Jesus had no problems but a lot of persecution. So this hunger we hope to release and create and live out is so that the Church returns to her first love. We believe that hunger and thirst is the key to being filled. If we stay hungry and thirsty, we will live lives that overflow with Christ in us and give hope to a lost and dying world. 

4: Jesus is the message. We preach Jesus and Him crucified. This ministry believes that Jesus Christ must be the message if change for the better is going to take place. If the message and the vessel are pure, the results will be sure. 

5: We believe that God’s attributes must be visible in our lives if we are really hidden in Christ. Compassion moved Jesus to feed, teach, and heal the people. Mercy from Jesus was exemplified or demonstrated when He opened four blind eyes. Grace from God looked like Simon, the Cyrenian, helping Jesus carry the cross that He would die for us on. Speaking the truth in love looked like Stephen preaching a fiery confrontational and convicting message and being willing to bleed for those who he was preaching to. Grace being released in the time of need looked like Stephen seeing Jesus standing up at the right hand of God as he was being stoned. Love has a language called truth and a timing called patience with a way of life called long suffering. Love is not rude even when it is right. Love looks like a slain Lamb in timeless eternity, bearing wounds that are eternal for our temporary bodies, because healing illustrates forgiveness and God is serious about reconciliation and restoration. Peace looks like rebuking a storm that threatens those whom God loves. Joy empowers us to be betrayed and forgive. Joy gives us strength to be crucified and live a happy resurrected life, even in times of suffering. 

6: We value long-term relationships that are facilitated by healthy communication and a commitment to Jesus, the gospel, and one another. We believe that Christians should have long-term relationships. Our friends shouldn’t change like the weather. It is more frequent to see people in the world have long-term friendships and business relationships that last a lifetime than to see Christians who have lifelong relationships and ministry partnerships. This reality is also seen in the percentage of Christians who end up divorced or live like they are divorced. It is hard to tell the world that gay marriage is evil when half of Christian marriages in the United States end up in divorce. This is a disease that the body of Christ must be vaccinated of. We desire to make long-term relationships grow through increasing communication and strengthening commitment. Jesus is glorified as the body of Christ is unified and edified by healthy, long-lasting relationships that are centered on Christ and His purposes in the earth. (Yes, I am totally 100 percent against gay marriage.

7: Honor is huge in the Kingdom. Lots of damage is done when things are said about people and not to people. Gossip is more natural, unfortunately, to people who have grown up in church. (That is a whole other issue for a later time.) This ministry has no interest or desire to be a part of that sort of behavior in any way. As a ministry, we believe in correction as the Bible teaches with the motivation of reconciliation at the forefront. Honor to God and His word is our first priority, and our second priority is to honor all men as the apostle Peter said. Honor is just a theory until you honor people who haven’t honored you. It is crucial to honor those who do not honor us. With that being said, God have mercy on me, a sinner. 

These seven core values will help you form your own core values. Whether you know it or not, you have core values. Often you may hear someone say, “I would never do that” or “We must do this.” What you are actually hearing is someone’s core values or perhaps even their convictions. Core values define who you are and what you will do. Convictions shape who you are not and what you will not do, or even what you have done that is contrary to who you are called to be in Christ. The goal is to make disciples, not zombies. Disciples are disciplined sons and daughters, those who follow Jesus even if it costs them. The way we think and live must be shaped by God’s word especially if we claim to be Spirit filled and Spirit led.

My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice in The Desert 



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