November 20, 2020

Who is this man?

The Scriptures indicate that man is approaching a profound crisis beyond anything ever experienced by humans. Only God can save the planet from the approaching disaster. The prophets promise that this crisis will be resolved by the miraculous intervention of the Messiah who will save mankind from destruction and establish the Kingdom of God on earth. 

The Great Tribulation will end in a cataclysmic battle between the worldwide dictatorship of the Antichrist and the coming Messiah. Christ’s victory over Satan’s Prince of Darkness will bring about the realization of all our hopes and dreams of “a paradise regained” under the rule of the Messiah-King. 

Throughout history men have wondered what tomorrow will hold. Hopes and fears for tomorrow have inspired men to speculate about the future of life on earth. The libraries are filled with philosophical and religious speculations including future utopias and doomsday scenarios. 

However, for millennia, only one book has claimed to exclusively and accurately predict man’s ultimate destiny. That book of course is the Bible, the Word of God. Any serious seeker of truth must confront this basic question: Is the Bible true? Is the Bible truly the Word of God? Does it contain the authentic revelation of God about our spiritual destiny and the future of man? 

In this message and coming messages we will explore many of the Bible’s prophecies that have already been fulfilled with absolute precision. These perfectly fulfilled prophecies are the strongest credentials that the Bible is precisely what it claims to be — the inspired Word of God. These precisely fulfilled prophecies should motivate us to carefully examine those predictions that relate to our immediate future. Until next message start your journey in exploring God’s revealed Living Word.

My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice in The Desert

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