July 20, 2020

Today is no different

This act of disobedience in the garden conceived destruction, sin, and sickness-a list that has multiplied and grown more foul with sickness-a list that has multiplied and grown more foul with each passing generation. Their rebellion opened wide the door to Satan's dominion and destruction. He took full advantage of his opportunity to be like God but not subject to Him. 

By enslaving God's creation, he enthroned himself. Satan's mode of operation differs little today. He still desires to pervert God's character in order to turn us against His authority. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. -JAMES 1:16-17 It must be settled in your heart that there is nothing good outside the realm of God's will. 

James shows that you can be deceived if you believe there is good outside of God's provision. Consider carefully our discussion. No matter how good it looks, tastes, or feels ... no matter how rich, abundant, wise, or successful it will make you... if it is not from God, it will eventually lead to intense sorrow and end in death, yes indeed it will. 

Each and every perfect and good gift is from God. There is no other source. Embrace this truth and settle it in your heart. Don't let looks deceive you! If Eve had followed this admonition she never would have been swayed. But instead, she looked beyond the realm of God's provision to fulfill her desires. How many people today marry the wrong person for the wrong reasons? 

God may have warned them through their parents or pastor, or showed them in their own hearts that they were making a wrong choice. But their own reasoning soon drowned out these other voices because the person they desired seemed good for companionship, pleasant to their eyes, and appeared to be wise in helping them make decisions. Ultimately they chose their will over God's. 

Later they suffer greatly for their misjudgment. Many people disobey the will of God because they are enticed by the good and pleasant. Perhaps it is a means of prosperity or success outside the counsel of God's Word. They pursue their own desires and find fun, happiness, or excitement for a season.

 They find good in what God had said no to. They think God withholds all the attractive or fun stuff from them! They think He doesn't understand their needs and ignores the importance of their desires. They believe God is unfaithful because He doesn't answer their prayers when they expect Him to answer them. Reasoning questions, Why wait for God's answer? Take the good and pleasant now!  But suffer the eternal damnation for making the wrong decision. 

My name is Cesar and I’m a Voice in The Desert 




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