April 02, 2020

One of the most important lesson about interpreting the Book of Daniel (or any biblical book for that matter). We are not required to have all the answers to all the questions people may ask about the Bible. The fact that we cannot yet answer all questions is no reason for ceasing to believe it is God’s word any more than our imperfect knowledge of the working working of the human body is a reason for ceasing to breathe. If the cosmic scale of their contents is the primary reason for the use of Aramaic in Daniel 2:4b—7:28, it underscores a point that is made repeatedly in those chapters: God fulfills His purposes in the world in space and time. His kingdom is not established in an otherworldly, mystical way but through the lives of men and women in flesh and blood, here and now. It comes into being in the world, in the context of the rise and fall of empires, in the midst of good days and bad, good rulers and evil kings. Furthermore, the great and thrilling message of Daniel 2 is that in this context the kingdom of God will be established, grow, and ultimately triumph throughout the whole earth.

My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice in The Desert

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