April 23, 2020

Following Christ is a commitment to knowing and believing the Word. That Word is powerful, “living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow” (Heb 4:12). It peers into our souls, judging our thoughts and even the intentions of our hearts (v. 12). It guides our lives and governs our choices; as Per God Then Father has pointed out, “The Word was written for instruction and encouragement (Rom 15:4), to lead to saving faith (2 Tim 3:15), to guide people toward godliness (2 Tim 3:16b), and to equip believers for good works (2 Tim 3:17).”

1- Thus, the Word must be the grid through which we evaluate all matters. At the same time, though, following Christ is not only knowing and believing the Word; it is also obeying the Word as we strive practically to live out the truths we find in the Scriptures. God has granted us his Word not simply to believe it, but also to follow it (Matt 28:19–20). Indeed, to disobey it is to deny believing it. Learning to obey the Word is not always easy, however. That is one reason God gives us pastors, church leaders, and other people of God who walk with us and help us make righteous choices. We simply need others who model faith for us, pray for us, and walk beside us. On our own, we often live in defeat; in the power of the Holy Spirit and with the help of other believers, we can live victoriously. Christian living is thus about practically living out the Word of God in the context of the local church, our standing arm in arm with other believers. These truths especially matter when we consider the reality of spiritual warfare—a concept that is variously defined and often debated.

2- Consider, for example, these definitions: “Spiritual warfare is a theological term used to describe the on going battle between the church and the Devil and his angels.”

3- “Spiritual warfare is a multilevel conflict between good and evil, initiated on the supernatural plane with the prehistoric rebellion of Lucifer, and transferred onto the natural plane with the fall of man. Satan, man’s adversary, continues to deceive and divert people from finding salvation in Jesus Christ, and to harass and hinder Christians through enticement to sin and exploitation of weaknesses. Because Satan is the author and initiator of original sin, and because he is the ‘god of this world,’ spiritual warfare involves a constant multidimensional battle against the world (a system of ungodly values), the flesh (sin inherent to our humanity), and the devil (supernatural personification of evil). Warfare implies the likelihood of losses: eternal separation from God for the nonbeliever, and diminished effectiveness and suffering for the believer.”

4- “Spiritual warfare is the ongoing resistance that Satan launches against God by exerting his arrogant desire to be God.”

5- “Spiritual warfare is a way of characterizing our common struggle as Christians.”

6- Recognizing that scholars and practitioners differ on these definitions of spiritual ware fare

Recognizing that the church is in the enemy’s sights and this battle is ongoing, we define spiritual warfare as “the ongoing battle between the church and the devil and his forces, with the church standing in the armor of God, defensively resisting the devil, and offensively proclaiming the gospel in a battle already won.” This definition emphasizes three issues.

First, the battle is primarily between the devil and the church. Since his appearance in the garden of Eden, Satan has sought to attack God’s people.

Second, the battle is ongoing though it has already been won. Jesus already disarmed the powers (Col 2:15), but the enemy continues to fight back. He will do so until he is cast into the lake of fire (Rev 20:10).

Third, daily victory comes not by some magical or mystical approach to warfare, but by daily
following Christ. In the armor of God, we do all that God has called us to do; obedience in the power of God is victory over the enemy.

My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice in The Desert




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