August 09, 2023

When Jesus Gaze Falls Upon You

In a bustling era that seemed like a distant memory, Cliff Barrows and Billy Graham embarked on a stroll along Atlantic City's boardwalk with their wives, a setting that would unknowingly unfurl profound insights into the divine perspective. Drawn by the glint of gemstones, they wandered into an auction. The fervor of the event was underscored by Billy's intention to upgrade his wife's diamond – a petite, nearly invisible gem – with a new, grander jewel. His pockets held a modest $65, which he would soon pour into acquiring what he deemed a flawless diamond.

The following day, Billy's excitement led him to a jeweler who could determine the true worth of his prized gem. The expert's assessment, however, painted a different picture. Through his magnifying glass, he saw not a dazzling diamond but a flawed piece, valued at a mere fraction of Billy's investment. The gem's imperfections were evident even to an untrained eye.

Just as the jeweler discerned the flaws within the diamond, God's gaze penetrates beyond our outer facades. Our churchgoing and prayer, our virtuous deeds, are illuminated under His gaze, but not in the way we perceive them. He sees us through the lens of His righteousness, revealing the fissures concealed by our sinfulness. Romans 3:23 resonates, reminding us that all have sinned, falling short of the glory He envisions.

Unwavering in His love, God looks beyond our transgressions and beholds us with compassion. In John 4:29, we encounter the story of Jesus and the woman at the well – an exchange that underscores God's desire to transform us. Despite knowing her sins, He extended a hand to bring her salvation.

Even in our flawed state, God provides us with the transformative remedy we desperately need. The metaphor of being born again in John 3:5-7 invokes the profoundness of this change – to be reborn of the Spirit, transcending the limitations of our fleshly existence.

As we turn to Him, seeking eternal life, His promise echoes in John 6:68, a refuge where His words become our anchor. His flock is sheltered within His grasp, for nothing and no one can snatch us from His care. The unity between Jesus and the Father affirms His unwavering dedication to us.

In times of trials, His reassurance is our sanctuary. 1 Peter 1:6-7 likens the trials of our faith to refining gold – emerging as vessels of honor amid the fires of adversity.

The narrative shifts to the jungles of East Asia, where an indigenous tribe, untouched by modernity, experiences the gospel for the first time through the Jesus film. This groundbreaking moment parallels the story of the gospel itself – a visual revelation that sparks visceral reactions. Witnessing the life of Jesus, from His healing touch to the ultimate sacrifice, this tribe, devoid of prior knowledge, responds with visceral emotions. Their unfiltered reactions mirror the shockwaves that the gospel can send through hearts, shaking the foundations of understanding.

The crucifixion scene elicits profound grief among the tribe, a testament to the film's emotive power. Yet, their mourning transitions into jubilation as the resurrection unfolds. This triumphant culmination mirrors our own spiritual journey – embracing the risen Christ and rejoicing in His victory over death.

As the narrative concludes, the questions become introspective mirrors, inviting us to evaluate our perception of Jesus. Through the eyes of faith, we seek a deepened connection, beseeching for an increase in the flame that fuels our devotion. Acts 7:56 unveils a perspective of love, inviting us to see Christ exalted at the right hand of God. Recognizing Jesus as our Master, as Mary did, enables a bond that transcends time and space.

The eyes of understanding, portrayed in Hebrews 12:1-2, guide us in shedding burdens and pursuing the race of faith with tenacity. John 20:20 reveals the eye of reality, demonstrating the disciples' exhilaration upon encountering the resurrected Christ. Ultimately, the eye of hope anticipates Christ's glorious return, holding steadfast to the promise of a blessed, eternal reunion.

In this symphony of perception, our vision of Jesus intertwines with His gaze upon us. Just as He sees beyond our flaws with compassion and love, we are invited to see Him with eyes that traverse history, love, understanding, and hope. As we peer through these lenses, our understanding deepens, our connection grows, and our hope flourishes, all under the divine gaze that defines our very existence.

My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice In The Desert

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