August 19, 2023

"Awakened to Action: A Call to Confront Injustice and Shine Christ's Light in a Turbulent World"

 Urgent Brethren, let us gather and heed the words of warning, for the eruption of the Kilauea Volcano serves as a dire parable for our current times. Just as this molten fury rages beneath the earth's surface, so too does the seething lava of racism and injustice simmer in our midst, threatening to burst forth with devastating force. Do we not see the parallels? Are we not aware that like the volcano, these issues have been smoldering for decades, ready to engulf us in destruction at any moment?

Remember, beloved, how Dylan Roof's malevolent act in Charleston ignited a storm of sorrow and anger, a fiery tempest that should have stirred the hearts of God's people to action. Yet, have we remained complacent, lulled into a false sense of security by periods of calm? Just as Kilauea erupts cyclically, so too does the eruption of hatred and prejudice strike time and again. Micro-aggressions poison the daily lives of our brethren, their dignity stripped away by a society blind to its sins.

Let us not be found sleeping, brethren, for our Lord calls us to vigilance. Just as the tectonic plates shift unpredictably, so too do the currents of societal unrest. We are called to be a prophetic community, to expose the darkness to the piercing light of Christ. As Paul's words resound in Ephesians 5:13-14, "Get up, sleeper, and rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Do you comprehend, dear congregation, that this light not only reveals, but rebukes and exposes the faults and injustices that plague our land?

Our duty, then, is clear. The Gospel empowers us through the Spirit to discern what others fail to see. It is a clarion call to awaken, to acknowledge the harrowing reality of the suffering in our communities. Our great commission is to shine forth that radiant light into the abyss of darkness, so that Christ's glory may illuminate every corner and crevice. The church in America must not remain slumbering, for we are mandated to rise up and confront the oppression that taints our land.

Brethren, reflect on CNN's shocking exposé, where lives are auctioned off like chattel in Libya. In this modern-day slavery, souls are bartered for a paltry sum, echoing the heinous crimes of the past. Let this revelation shake us from our spiritual torpor, for it underscores the urgency of our mission. If ever there was a time to rise up, it is now. Our society's foundations crumble under the weight of injustice, and as guardians of the Word, we must act.

Let us not remain silent or indifferent. We are called to confront the entrenched systems of racism and inequality that persist. The Great Commandment implores us to love God and neighbor, and this love demands action against oppression. In our commitment to Christ, let us dismantle the structures that perpetuate suffering. Let us unite in prayer, advocacy, and outreach, showing the world the true meaning of compassion and justice.

In this turbulent era, let us emulate the fervor of the early church, where believers shared all they had, acting as beacons of hope in the midst of darkness. Brethren, it is time to transcend mere lip service and engage in tangible, transformative practices. Let us shepherd the flock with renewed vigor, pointing the way towards Christ's love and righteousness.

May the Spirit guide us as we navigate these treacherous waters. With fervent hearts, let us heed the lessons of Kilauea and its molten metaphor, ensuring that our response to the eruptions of racism and injustice is not one of apathy, but of unwavering dedication to Christ's teachings. May our actions shine a light that pierces the darkness, bringing hope, healing, and transformation to a world in dire need.

In His Holy Name,

Cesar “A Voice In The Desert”

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