July 27, 2023

Noah a beacon of virtue

 Amidst the prevailing state of moral decay in the world, there was one man, Noah, who stood out as a beacon of virtue. He found favor in the eyes of the LORD and was described as a righteous and blameless man, walking in close communion with God (Genesis 6:9). Despite not being perfect, Noah possessed unwavering integrity. In contrast to his contemporaries' perverse, hateful, and violent ways, he maintained his purity, decency, and civility.

In the face of the world's corrupt culture, the challenge for Christians is to avoid being consumed by its inherent sinfulness. While we are meant to be part of this world, our identity and values must not be derived from it because we are not of it. By employing wisdom, we can remain engaged with society while safeguarding ourselves from ungodly attitudes, beliefs, and conduct.

As Christians, we should not harbor a sense of superiority over others, as Jesus condemned those who displayed arrogant attitudes in their faith. Instead, we are called to demonstrate humility, love, and compassion even when engaging with those whom we strongly disagree with. This can be a daunting task that often leaves us standing alone or swimming against the prevailing currents. Following God's path may lead to ridicule, mockery, and even hatred, but we must remain steadfast in our commitment to righteousness and obedience.

My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice In The Desert 


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