July 12, 2023

God is not like Man, but in whatsoever He promises

God is not like Man, but in whatsoever He promises


Throughout history, humanity has sought to understand and define the nature of God. Religions and belief systems around the world have attempted to grasp the essence of the divine and explain the relationship between God and human beings. One fundamental aspect that sets God apart from mankind is the vast difference in their nature. God is often perceived as an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent being, while humans are finite, fallible, and limited in their capacities. However, when it comes to fulfilling promises, God displays a consistency that contrasts starkly with the unreliability of human beings. This essay explores the notion that God is not like man, except in His unwavering commitment to fulfill His promises.

1. The Nature of God

a. Divine attributes: God is often described as transcendent, eternal, and perfect in various religious traditions. These qualities emphasize the vast difference between God and human beings.

b. God's omniscience: Unlike humans, who have limited knowledge and understanding, God is believed to possess all-encompassing knowledge. He sees the past, present, and future, and comprehends the consequences of every action. This attribute ensures that God's promises are made with complete awareness and foresight.

2. The Fallibility of Man

a. Human limitations: While humans possess intelligence and reasoning abilities, they are inherently flawed and prone to error. Emotions, biases, and limited perception often cloud judgment, leading to mistakes and unfulfilled promises.

b. Human frailty: Mortality and vulnerability are intrinsic to human existence. Limited lifespans and the uncertainty of tomorrow make it difficult for humans to consistently fulfill their promises, as circumstances change and priorities shift.

3. God's Promises

a. Divine consistency: God's promises are often viewed as a reflection of His unchanging and unwavering nature. Throughout religious texts, God is depicted as fulfilling His pledges, remaining steadfast despite the changing circumstances of human life.

b. Examples of God's promises: Various religious traditions recount instances where God made promises and faithfully fulfilled them. For instance, in the biblical narrative, God promised Noah that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood, a commitment He has upheld to this day.

c. Spiritual fulfillment: In addition to worldly promises, God is often seen as making commitments to the spiritual well-being of humanity. This includes the assurance of forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life, which provide hope and meaning to believers.

4. Human Fallibility in Promises

a. Factors influencing unfulfilled promises: Human unreliability stems from various factors, including forgetfulness, changing priorities, lack of ability, or even intentional deceit. These limitations undermine trust and create uncertainty in human relationships.

b. Impact of unfulfilled promises: Broken promises often lead to disappointment, distrust, and damaged relationships. Society's reliance on trust and dependability highlights the significance of honoring commitments.

5. Understanding the Divine-Human Relationship

a. Recognizing the difference: Acknowledging the vast difference between God and humans is crucial to understanding the divine-human relationship. It fosters humility, awe, and reverence towards the divine, while appreciating human limitations.

b. Aligning with God's character: While humans cannot be perfect like God, they can strive to emulate His character traits, such as honesty, compassion, and integrity. This alignment can help humans fulfill their promises to the best of their abilities.


In conclusion, God's nature differs vastly from that of human beings. However, in the realm of promises, God consistently upholds His commitments, standing in stark contrast to human fallibility. The divine attributes of omniscience, consistency, and perfection enable God to fulfill His promises in a manner that humans cannot replicate. Recognizing this distinction fosters a deeper understanding of the divine-human relationship, emphasizing the need for humility and trust in God's unwavering faithfulness. While humans are limited and imperfect, they can draw inspiration from God's example, striving to be reliable and true to their word. Ultimately, the understanding that God is not like man, but in whatsoever He promises, invites reflection, gratitude, and a renewed sense of hope in the divine providence.

My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice In The Desert 


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