March 23, 2017

The beauty and the beast indeed

Hi All,

Just wanted to comment about the latest film from Disney The beauty and the beast. We all have heard about the inclusion of a gay character in the movie. We all have also heard that the character the beast was made in the image of satan. The movie is close to gross 1 Billion in ticket sales. One of the major reasons for such stellar results believe it or not is because of the attendance of Christian Evangelical. This blew my mind away. Folks if we are True professing Christian's how can we partake in a pure outright plot from satan using Hollywood as its platform to continue destroying our Christian values. Please do not take your children to this filth and pathetic attempt to over take our children and destroy this coming generation. I will end this post with a quote about the director that made this film and then you will know the purpose of the movie and why. This is a blatant demonstration of the Apostasy of the church in the end of days.

Here goes the quote: "Beauty and the Beast‘s director Bill Condon, 61, born in New York City and raised in an Irish Catholic family, is openly homosexual and has a visceral hatred for Christianity".

You decide!

Please repost so All may know the truth. Take your stand for Christ!

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