July 31, 2024

How to be saved?

How to be Saved,


To be reconciled to God, we must choose Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior; we must believe that he is the only begotten Son of the Father (John 14:6). When he came to earth, he was born of a virgin, being entirely God and entirely man. He lived among us, being tempted in all points as we are, yet untainted by sin. In this way, he became an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of man. God sent him because he loved the world, and he still does. This means that he loves you, and he sent his Son to lay down his life so he could restore and fulfill yours!

God was burdened with an unquenchable love for the whole world. For this love, Jesus died an excruciating, reprehensible, and utterly denigrating death. He was beaten, and his hairs were plucked from his face. A crown of thorns was twisted around his scalp, rupturing blood vessels so that the blood poured from his head. He was beaten with a cat-o’-nine-tails: a whip with nine strands, often containing shards of metal, bone, and glass. The stripes upon his back were not merely from bruised or bleeding skin. His flesh was voraciously torn from his back, and the muscles and bones were left totally exposed. After the soldiers were finished, the skin and muscle that was still attached to his body hung in ribbons.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

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