July 31, 2024

How to be saved?

How to be Saved,


To be reconciled to God, we must choose Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior; we must believe that he is the only begotten Son of the Father (John 14:6). When he came to earth, he was born of a virgin, being entirely God and entirely man. He lived among us, being tempted in all points as we are, yet untainted by sin. In this way, he became an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of man. God sent him because he loved the world, and he still does. This means that he loves you, and he sent his Son to lay down his life so he could restore and fulfill yours!

God was burdened with an unquenchable love for the whole world. For this love, Jesus died an excruciating, reprehensible, and utterly denigrating death. He was beaten, and his hairs were plucked from his face. A crown of thorns was twisted around his scalp, rupturing blood vessels so that the blood poured from his head. He was beaten with a cat-o’-nine-tails: a whip with nine strands, often containing shards of metal, bone, and glass. The stripes upon his back were not merely from bruised or bleeding skin. His flesh was voraciously torn from his back, and the muscles and bones were left totally exposed. After the soldiers were finished, the skin and muscle that was still attached to his body hung in ribbons.

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How will this be?



Luke 1:26-38


“How will this be?” That is a question we often ask. How are all these things in the Bible possible? Are these incredible miracles true? Does the supernatural really occur? How can this be? How?

Mary can help us today. Mary is an example of faith. She heard the Word of God and she believed it. “I am the Lord’s servant,” she said. “May it be to me as you have said.” Mary had faith, a simple trust in the goodness and grace of God.

We begin today with an angel named Gabriel. He was an archangel, one of God’s highest-ranking servants. God sends Gabriel to Nazareth, a little town in Galilee. It was just a little village in the middle of nowhere. Galilee was in the northern part of the land of Israel. The people down south in Jerusalem considered it the backwoods.

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July 30, 2024

The Son Of God

“The Son of God Appeared to Destroy the Works of the Devil.” In the three Sundays of Advent leading up to that message I want to talk about three typical works to the devil. If we have a sober awareness of some of Satan’s most common works, we will appreciate Christmas all the more, because Christmas is a celebration of the truth that the Son of God came into the world to destroy the works of the devil.

The work of the devil that we will expose today is his opposition to the Word of God when that Word is preached. Satan takes away the Word of God from people’s minds and hearts so that they cannot believe and be saved.

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July 29, 2024


The Gospel of Luke, or simply Luke, tells of the origins, birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. Together with the Acts of the Apostles, it makes up a two-volume work which scholars call Luke–Acts and together they account for 27.5% of the New Testament. Most modern scholars agree that the traditional view is that it was Luke, the Evangelist and companion of Paul who was the author of the Gospel of Luke. Written to a Greek-speaking audience, but directing his attention specifically to Christian concerns rather than to the Greco-Roman world at large.

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July 21, 2024

The Holy Spirit as My Comforter in Times of Trials

The Holy Spirit as My Comforter in Times of Trials


In the journey of life, we often encounter trials that test our faith, resilience, and emotional fortitude. During these challenging moments, many believers find solace and strength in the presence of the Holy Spirit, often referred to as the Comforter. This article explores the role of the Holy Spirit in providing comfort, guidance, and strength during difficult times, drawing upon biblical references and personal testimonies to illustrate this profound relationship.


Understanding the Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and God the Son. Throughout Scripture, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a counselor, helper, and guide. In John 14:16-17, Jesus promises His disciples that He will ask the Father to send them another Comforter, who will be with them forever. This Comforter is crucial for believers, acting as an ever-present source of strength and comfort.

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July 16, 2024

La Gloria De Dios

La esperanza escatológica con respecto al hombre significa: hombre en tensión esperanzada hacia el último fin de la visión beatífica. Para nosotros, escatológicamente, significa nuestra verdad: Dios con nosotros en gloria.

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July 14, 2024

La palabra de fe


Algunas de nuestras supuestas oraciones no son las oraciones normales que solemos dar. Son lo que la Biblia llama una “palabra de fe”. La palabra de fe es cuando hablamos directamente de la situación, como Jesús enseñó en Mateo capítulo diecisiete. Una oración es cuando hacemos una petición a Dios. Esta breve “oración o palabra de fe no es hablarle a Dios sino hablarle a la enfermedad, al espíritu maligno o a la montaña en tu vida. Aunque no estés hablando directamente con Dios, aun así entra en la definición de oración porque Dios es quien responde. Hacer esto sin Dios sería una pérdida de tiempo. La palabra de fe es, a veces, espontánea. La persona que habla una palabra de fe comprende su autoridad en Cristo. Muchas veces, cuando oramos, le pedimos a Dios que haga exactamente lo que nos dijo que hiciéramos. Aquí es cuando debemos dar la “palabra de fe”. En el libro de Mateo, Jesús dijo: "Di a este monte". Repasemos este pasaje tan importante.

Mateo 21:19-22
Y cuando vio una higuera en el camino, se acercó a ella, y no encontró nada en ella, sino sólo hojas, y le dijo: Nunca más crezca de ti fruto. Y al poco tiempo la higuera se secó.
20 Y cuando los discípulos vieron esto, se maravillaron, diciendo: ¡Cuán pronto se seca la higuera!
21 Respondió Jesús y les dijo: De cierto os digo, que si tenéis

fe, y no dudéis, no sólo haréis esto que se le hace a la higuera, sino también si diréis a este monte: Quítate y échate en el mar; debe ser hecho.
22 Y todo lo que pidáis en oración, creyendo, lo recibiréis.

Miremos de cerca los ejemplos de Jesús y cómo enseña este principio de la palabra de fe. En el versículo once, le habla a un objeto inanimado. ¿Tiene un árbol oídos para oír? En el reino espiritual, sí. ¿Como sabemos? Jesús le dijo al árbol: “Nunca más jamás crezca en ti fruto”. ¿Respondió el árbol? Sí lo hizo. Se marchitó y murió en el acto. Jesús ejemplificó audazmente lo que estaba enseñando. Entonces, les dijo (a nosotros) que habláramos con la montaña y la quitarían.


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La Palabra de Fe


Algunas de nuestras supuestas oraciones no son las oraciones normales que solemos dar. Son lo que la Biblia llama una “palabra de fe”. La palabra de fe es cuando hablamos directamente de la situación, como Jesús enseñó en Mateo capítulo diecisiete. Una oración es cuando hacemos una petición a Dios. Esta breve “oración o palabra de fe no es hablarle a Dios sino hablarle a la enfermedad, al espíritu maligno o a la montaña en tu vida. Aunque no estés hablando directamente con Dios, aun así entra en la definición de oración porque Dios es quien responde. Hacer esto sin Dios sería una pérdida de tiempo. La palabra de fe es, a veces, espontánea. La persona que habla una palabra de fe comprende su autoridad en Cristo. Muchas veces, cuando oramos, le pedimos a Dios que haga exactamente lo que nos dijo que hiciéramos. Aquí es cuando debemos dar la “palabra de fe”. En el libro de Mateo, Jesús dijo: "Di a este monte". Repasemos este pasaje tan importante.

Mateo 21:19-22
Y cuando vio una higuera en el camino, se acercó a ella, y no encontró nada en ella, sino sólo hojas, y le dijo: Nunca más crezca de ti fruto. Y al poco tiempo la higuera se secó.
20 Y cuando los discípulos vieron esto, se maravillaron, diciendo: ¡Cuán pronto se seca la higuera!
21 Respondió Jesús y les dijo: De cierto os digo, que si tenéis

fe, y no dudéis, no sólo haréis esto que se le hace a la higuera, sino también si diréis a este monte: Quítate y échate en el mar; debe ser hecho.
22 Y todo lo que pidáis en oración, creyendo, lo recibiréis.


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Strategies for Christian Maturity: Proclamation, Warning, and Teaching in the Context of Christ-Centered Growth

Strategies for Christian Maturity: Proclamation, Warning, and Teaching in the Context of Christ-Centered Growth


Introduction to Christian Maturity


Therefore, this section within a section deals with the goal of the life that God gives in Jesus Christ. It is a message given in the context of the need of the church, that it might not only be saved itself, but also might participate in the saving of others. This is the essence of both maturity and discipleship.

An integral part of the message we proclaim is the grand goal of all life, whether mothers work in homes, students go to school, workers occupy jobs, or leaders make decisions. All these activities, and a thousand more, exist to help the people of God grow in their understanding and realization of the glory of God. In fact, in many ways the total message of the Bible can be brought down to the single point of calling people to grow as mature Christians. It is certainly a good and valid approach to see the Scriptures focused upon mankind's sin and God's salvation. It is also right to concentrate upon the grand and glorious theme of divine love and its extension through Jesus Christ to everyone that believes. But beyond salvation, there must be life, for the whole purpose of salvation is life.


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July 13, 2024

The Impact of Censorship on Religious Expression in Modern Society

Do not forget that modern censorship is enacted now through a prism of secular life. And do not doubt for a single moment that secular and scientific living produces new systems of censorial control over religious expression. The message begins with a discussion of the influence of tacit human belief in the recent acts of scientific censorship via digital platforms. This, in turn, invites reflections on what modern, mostly Western media censorship now looks like and how that affects thought and lives. A short methodological overview and some historical perspective will follow. The meat of the essay will be spent exploring all these described connections and relational axes, and subsequently offer a case study in the form of the recent Austrian COVID laws. Finally, some concluding notes discuss future considerations for media censorship in times of religious revival.

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Nocturnal Terror Dreams: Finding Peace Through Faith

Hi all, welcome to A Voice in the Desert. It’s a pleasure to have you join us today in sharing God’s word with you. It's our sincerest desire that today’s message will uplift you, strengthen your faith, and guide you in your walk with Jesus Christ. And now we leave you with our host in today’s message: relax and enjoy.

Hi, welcome to A Voice in the Desert. Great to be with you, as always. Today, we’re going to be speaking about the word of God, like we always do when we gather together. The topic of today’s message is nocturnal terror dreams. As a Christian minister, it’s my duty to address this issue with wisdom and guidance rooted in the word of God. Let us delve into this profound subject and seek solace and understanding in the scriptures.

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July 10, 2024

Moral decay in the Christian church

Hello, welcome to a voice in the desert, a pleasure to be with you again and today we are going to be talking about the next message and the message is: titled: moral decay in the Christian church. Moral decline in the Christian church is a discouraging reality that demands our attention and action. The church, once a beacon of moral guidance and unwavering principles, now finds itself easing with a glare of problems that threaten its integrity and credibility. This decline can be attributed to several reasons, And it is crucial that we confront them directly to restore the Moral foundations of the church. First, a weakening commitment to biblical teachings has eroded the moral fabric of the Christian church in search of revelation and acceptance.

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July 09, 2024

A Comprehensive Study on Demonic Possession

Demons are an inseparable part of religious traditions and beliefs. They belong mostly to the sphere of the supernatural, and their main feature is their role. Basically, demons serve two main purposes. First of all, they serve as a way of explaining a wide range of phenomena that people were unable to understand in ancient times or rationalize later. Illnesses, personal tragedies, as well as natural disasters were often attributed to the influence of supernatural powers, like demons, and later similar forms of understanding are found, for example, in common folk beliefs which often have traces of earlier religious beliefs, like being responsible for ailments, and many other bad happenings in people's lives. Secondly, the threatening presence of evil supernatural powers forced people to establish a system of defense, based on rituals, religious beliefs, religious institutions, and, sometimes, fear of punishment in the afterlife. In most cases in which evidence regarding possession is under consideration, belief in possession plays a role, though people unfamiliar with and skeptical of such belief persistently ask whether the individual possessed by the demon is not indeed malingerer. Data from numerous historical sources indicate that people in most of the periods did not have the power to understand alternative interpretations and explanations different from possession of demons. However, only a few of these reports give biographical details for many of the possessed persons, and instead focus on more publicized public acts of their possession or exorcism.

The subject of possession has attracted the curiosity and frightened the imagination of believers and non-believers alike for thousands of years. Possession is a phenomenon consisting of a sudden change of behavior in an individual in which the personality and the normal self-controls no longer appear to be present. The signs are profound and shocking delusions, periodic loss of consciousness, attacks or altered states of consciousness. In many religious traditions, these characteristics are considered the work of supernatural beings, which include evil spirits, demons, and the devil, possessing man against his will. Psychiatry has also given these phenomena attention by establishing a diagnostic category, 'dissociative disorders', and in some countries even specifying it as a formal form of possession by a demon. The phenomenon of demonic possession is important not only for laypersons, but also for many experts on abnormal mental phenomena, because these altered personality states are commonly explained by lie as "possession" by the devil or some kind of evil spirit.

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July 07, 2024

By His Evil Deeds Is satan Known

By His Evil Deeds Is satan Known


All are welcome to a voice in the desert. It's a pleasure to have You join us today in sharing God's word with you, it's our sincerest desire that today's message will uplift. You strengthen your faith and guide you in your walk with Jesus Christ, and now we leave you with our host in today's message.



Hi folks welcome once again to a voice in the desert great to be with you as always great, to have everyone from around the world. Listening and sharing god's word today, we have a message today for you very special message and we would like for you to really be able to listen, deeply okay and concentrate on this message. If need be, download it for free and replay it again, because it's that important, the title of the message for today is by his evil deeds. Is he known who is he we're gon na find out just that in a couple of seconds uh, but like always, we do our prayer before we start and then we continue uh with today's message.



Dear father, I want to say thank you, dear lord God, for all the things that you've done with us this week. Thank you for all the miracles that have occurred and have gone unnoticed by us. Forgive us for not acknowledging them. We're not see them. Father God guide us today into your word guide us by your Holy Spirit. Let your word be fallen on fertile grounds, let them he who has ears. Listen to what the word of the lord has to say in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, and everyone said amen.


Satan Has a Discernible Presence



So, just as we can know the enemy by his wicked name, we can also identify him, especially by his actions, knowing how he acts helps us to discern when he is in our midst. Okay, it's gonna help us number one satan has a discernible presence. When we are walking with the lord and being guided by the holy spirit, we are able to discern the presence of evil. It is almost as if all the hair on our arms will stand up when satan or his forces are around us. I know I do. I can definitely discern when evil is around, and that is thanks to the Holy Spirit, not because of my own volition, because of the relationship that I hold with God in his Word and his Holy Spirit



When this happens, we come to know his presence. We know. What's going on, our spirit tells us that something isn't right. This discernment is a function of the wisdom that comes through the Holy Spirit, so who is going to be able to discern this wickedness? Only those that are children of God and have received the holy spirit? Those that have given themselves over to the Lord Jesus Christ .

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July 04, 2024


Vivimos en los tiempos de la exaltación de la libertad personal que se acerca a lo absurdo. Relaciones familiares naturales que toda sociedad durante toda la historia ha honrado hoy son entregados antes el libertinaje libre del homosexualismo, bisexualismo, y otras formas de libertinaje que ha colocado el matrimonio como una institución anticuada. Aún en las sociedades que practicaban el homosexualismo (como la Roma antigua) el matrimonio todavía era reconocido y protegido. Hoy por primera vez en la historia se quiere definir el matrimonio como cualquier conjunto de seres vivos. ¿Y por qué no “casarse” con una planta?

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Prayer done by the Holy Spirit

  Listen to what Paul says about it in 1 Corinthians 14:2-4: “For one who speaks in a tongue [an unknown tongue] does not speak to men,  bu...