May 21, 2024

Meet Belial the Demon

Does Failure and  frustration seem to be your lot in life? Is your life characterized by continual setbacks and misfortune, missed opportunities, bad luck? Does it appear as though no matter what you do in life, you cannot seem to obtain the blessings of the Lord?

Well let me tell you that you my just be bonded by a curse that is demonic and has been around for ages. You might think I'm out of my mind. However , there are things in the Bible that points to the demise of our country and of ourselves and loved one. Let us not be fooled for if we believe in Christ we have to also acknowledge the existence of satan. Since satan is the prince of air on this earth and he is not omnipresent or omnipotent that means he needs soldiers in his army because he cannot be everywhere at once or fight everyone at once. So when Lucifer the angel of light was thrown out of Heaven because he wanted to be like God and during that revolt many angels that were on his side they were expelled along with their ring leader down to the lowest depths of earth. So, from the moment Lucifer meaning angel of light was expelled so was also his name changed to satan meaning adversary.

So satan since being expelled has had ages of practice in setting up his army and it does have structure like mayor demons minor demons but nevertheless they are demons. I want to bring to you attention one of satans major demon. Many of the curses that can affect a person's life come as a result of one of the most wicked and vile spirits in the kingdom of darkness-the spirit of belial. You might be saying where am I getting all this from but before I tell that. I must say that churches are falling church are failing church are deviating from the real sword the Bible. That's why our schools where our children attend have become war zones for their very souls ever since we took prayer out of our schools. Our social degradation as a people, individual as a nation has become so corrupt because it has turned its back on God. We have take the Ten Commandments out of our Judicial system. Our nation was created by God and to God we have to return. But we have to play our role as a true believer of Christ to ensure that happens.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

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