December 25, 2020

Knowledge of God

Knowing God also means more than having a religious experience with God or saying that we feel Him. It is valid to have an emotional and religious experience with God, but to know Him involves more than that. 

To know God is to have Him rub off on you, to enter into relationship with God so that who He is influences who you are. One of the great tragedies today is that you can go to church and be aware of God; you can go to church and have information about God; and if your church has a great choir, you can even go to church and "feel" God; but you can leave church with Him never having rubbed off on you and this is a shame because it means you missed the big picture which is Jesus Christ.

The study of God is the most meaningful pursuit in my life. Jeremiah 9:23-24 expresses the importance of knowing God better than I ever could: Thus says the Lord, "Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me." I will also boast of the love of my God for me.

It’s amazing how many things we brag about. Some of us can brag about our educational achievements. We’ve gone through school and we’ve done well. 

We’ve got a bachelor’s degree. We’ve earned a master’s degree. Perhaps we even graduated magna cum laude. Perhaps you started on the bottom rung of the ladder at your company. You’ve grown up through the company and now you’ve become a supervisor; you’ve "graduated" to become a manager. 

You own your own business, your own success. Now extra money is in the account. The home looks nice. The cars are modern. The suits are authentic. But God says, "If you are going to brag, if you really want something to shout about, can you brag that you know Me? Because if you can’t talk about that, you don’t have much to brag about.

My name is Cesar and I’m A Voice In The Desert

#avoiceinthedesert #mywalkwithmycreator #selfforgiveness #forgiveandforget #truth #contentment #believe #dailypositive #havingfaith #humility #forgiveness #thepowerofforgiveness #wordsofhope #trustandbelieve #belief #trustgodsplan #faithofamustardseed #prayer #liveinthepresent #faith #empoweredmindset #relationships #forgiveyourself #innerwellness #righteousness #walkinpurpose #forgivenessquotes #peace #changewithin #blessings #worry #praying 


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