September 08, 2020

The Human race and against godliness

 One evening of watching the news is all that’s needed to confirm to yourself that an all-out assault is being waged against the human race and against godliness. Society today is filled with violence, decadence, financial crises, political feuding beyond anything we ever imagined possible, and heightened tensions among the world’s political leaders. Natural disasters occur with increasing regularity all over the earth. These combined and cumulative events seem so overwhelming that it can feel like our very well-being is under continual threat. 

If it were not for the peace of God that rules our hearts and minds, we could easily be thrown into a state of panic, shaken by all of these disturbing developments. (See my book Signs You’ll See Just Before Jesus Comes to learn of all the events Jesus predicted in Matthew 24 that we will see in the world prior to His next coming.) 

Many of us remember growing up in a very different world, where life was slower and kinder — and so safe that we didn’t even lock the doors to our houses. We didn’t fear our neighbors, and we never had a single thought about terrorist activity. This I can testify of which I have suffered 3 terrorist attacks and am a survivor of Sep. 11, 2001. The Lord in His infinite grace extended His mercy and grace toward me.

 Does that description resemble the childhood you remember decades ago? But the world has changed dramatically in the course of our lifetimes and has become a far different place than the one we grew up in years ago. What happened to the world we once knew? How is it possible that so many things could change so fast and so dramatically? Who of us in our growing-up years would have ever imagined that we’d see the day when so much nonsensical thinking would dominate society?

My name is Cesar and I'm A Voice In The Desert

#knowledge #healing #understanding #regeneration #love #wisdom #kjv #forgiveness #holyspirit #gods #writersofig #discernment #perfect #boldness #jesus #jesuschristisgod #peace #english #strength #word #bible #faith #life #charity #in #written #god #salvationisfoundinjesuschrist #hope #christian 


Jesus prays to the Father

As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jes...