Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.—Zechariah 4: 6 This is a very powerful verse because the Lord our God says it’s not by my might or power but my spirit. God is telling us that His spirit is the very essence of God
December 31, 2019
December 30, 2019
Una Nacion Nace En El Dia de Pentecostes
En Pentecostés, el Espíritu Santo vino a producir una nueva nación de muchas naciones, una nueva raza de muchas razas: el pueblo de Dios (lea Hechos 2: 5-6,41).
A New Nation Born at Pentecost
When we think of ourselves as an army, the issue of discipline and the fulfillment of Kingdom standards become more critical than personal security and ease.
Soldado Christiano
Cuando nos consideramos un ejército, la cuestión de la disciplina y el cumplimiento de los estándares del Reino se vuelven más críticos que la seguridad y la facilidad personal.
A Christian Soldier
When we think of ourselves as an army, the issue of discipline and the fulfillment of Kingdom standards become more critical than personal security and ease.
December 21, 2019
America Under Attack
The ideas and values that created America are under heavy attack. It is not a physical war. This is in the spirit world. Demonic engines drive this agenda. That makes the carnal churches special villains in the eyes of God. Scantily clad women on stage an
A possessed culture needs an empowered Church
This is no time for entertainment. This is no time for mild cures. Society’s condition changed the rules. A demon-possessed culture needs a Church with power to cast out devils. A culture reeling with unimaginable addictions needs a Church where the bap
December 15, 2019
The Trap of Fear and Anxiety
believe that the reason many believers fall into the trap of fear and anxiety in the midst of crisis is because they allow the enemy to successfully distract them from the fact that they are prepared with tools they already have in their arsenal.
La Trampa del miedo y la ansiedad
Creo que la razón por la que muchos creyentes caen en la trampa del miedo y la ansiedad en medio de la crisis es porque permiten que el enemigo los distraiga con éxito del hecho de que están preparados con las herramientas que ya tienen en su arsenal.
Evil Never Limits God
Our ability to connect with what God is doing in the midst of difficult circumstances depends on our ability to remember who He is and what He has done in our lives—our relational history with Him.
El Plan De Dios Se Cumplira, No Importa la oposicion
Nuestra capacidad de conectarnos con lo que Dios está haciendo en medio de circunstancias difíciles depende de nuestra capacidad de recordar quién es Él y lo que ha hecho en nuestras vidas: esto dependerá de nuestra relación con Él.
December 10, 2019
Satan Needs To Destroy America
SATAN NEEDS TO DESTROY AMERICA. IT’S HIS GRAND prize. The need consumes him. He fantasizes about it. He pursues the destruction of the US with extreme prejudice and unrelenting patience.
El Espiritu Santo No Solo Fue Enviado a Replazar A Jesus Cristo
EL ESPÍRITU SANTO NO FUE ENVIADO SOLO PARA RECUPERAR QUE Jesús se fuera. Fue enviado a multiplicar, exponencialmente, el impacto de Jesús en la tierra. Fue enviado a ejecutar la operación.
Holy Spirit was not sent to Replace Jesus Christ
THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS NOT SENT MERELY TO MAKE UP FOR Jesus leaving. He was sent to multiply, exponentially, Jesus’s impact on the earth. He was sent to run the operation.
Llenos del Espiritu Santo
No podía imaginar lo que se necesitaría para sacar a Estados Unidos de la tumba que está cavando para sí misma. Y en parte porque Dios lo ha escondido. Pero tenemos un problema grave.
December 09, 2019
Spirit Filled
I couldn’t imagine what it would take to pull America out of the grave she is digging for herself. And partly because God has hidden it. But we have a serious problem
November 30, 2019
Oraciones hace a Dios Escuchar
Cuando era un nuevo creyente que estaba aprendiendo a orar, noté una cosa que destacaba en estos momentos de oración. La gente en la iglesia a menudo cerraba sus oraciones con la declaración: "Si es la voluntad de Dios, recibiré lo que le he pedido
Prayers Gets God To Listen
When I was new believer who was learning how to pray, I noticed one thing that stood out about these times of prayer. People in the church would often close their prayers with the statement, “If it is God’s will, I will receive what I have asked
November 29, 2019
Un Tiempo de Guerriar
Un tiempo para la guerra
Los cristianos deben aprender por qué es imperativo que luchemos y anulemos los planes del enemigo. Aprender a la guerra es más fácil para algunos que para otros.
A Time of War
A time to war
Christians must learn why it is imperative that we fight and overturn the plans of the enemy. Learning to war comes easier to some than to others. For those who grew up in relative peace and comfort, it may come hardest of all.
November 25, 2019
Healing Testimony
Healing testimony. God is still in the healing business. True Story of Gods merciful healing. This healing can be yours to.
Un Amigo cristiano es lo que busco
Nuestra caminata cristiana necesita un cuidado constante. Necesitamos estar continuamente buscando y buscando a Dios para avanzar en nuestro caminar con Él.
A Christian Friend Is all I seek
Our Christian walk needs constant nurturing. We need to be continually searching out and seeking God in order to move forward in our walk with Him.
Buscando la presencia de Dios
Sentarse en soledad es decir: "Eres lo suficientemente importante, padre, que voy a detenerme y venir a ti para darte el honor debido". Sentarse en soledad es sentarse en silencio sin música.
November 24, 2019
Soaking In God's Presence
Sitting in solitude is, saying, “You’re important enough, Father, that I am going to stop and come to You and give You the honor due.” Sitting in solitude is sitting in the quiet with no music.
November 23, 2019
Rebuke and take Authority
How do you stay strong? By staying in the Word, prayer, and constant communion with the Lord Jesus Christ.
You need to fight the devil with your words, and you cannot fight with your words if you don’t know the Word of God.
November 13, 2019
Asi es como peleo mis batallas
Así es como lucho mis batallas 🎶 La Biblia nos dice que si confesamos con nuestra boca y creemos en nuestro corazón que Dios ha resucitado a Jesucristo de la muerte, seremos salvos porque el Espíritu Santo vive en nosotros (ver Romanos 10: 9).
This how I fight my Battles
THIS IS HOW I FIGHT MY BATTLES 🎶 The Bible tells us that if we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that God has raised Jesus Christ from the dead, we will be saved because the Holy Spirit lives in us (see Romans 10: 9).
November 05, 2019
Jesus es todo lo que necesito
Cuando la Biblia habla de la "plenitud" que recibimos en la salvación, simplemente significa que la obra salvadora del Señor en nosotros se ha cumplido.
Jesus Is All I Need
When the Bible talks about the “fullness” we receive at salvation, it simply means the Lord’s saving work in us has been accomplished.
November 01, 2019
Devil your first mistake was to think I was Weak
Because of the attacks of the enemy, and the sinful nature that wars against the Spirit of God within us, the Scriptures tell us how we should think and what we should be thinking about: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
October 31, 2019
Dios esta Hablando
Cuando permitimos que nuestra carne se involucre, la confusión entra en la ecuación. Cuando estamos entregando la palabra, creemos que estamos recibiendo a otra persona, a menudo cuando hablamos, dudaremos, porque comenzamos a darnos cuenta de que hay carne mezclada con nuestra revelación
October 30, 2019
Poder identificar la voz de Dios
Cuando reciba una respuesta de Dios, identifique cómo la escuchó. Identifica cómo Dios generalmente te habla. ¿Cómo recibes de Él? Luego, identifica cómo te hablas a ti mismo.
Identifing Gods Voice
When you receive an answer from God, identify how you heard it. Identify how God usually talks to you. How do you receive from Him? Next, identify how you talk to yourself.
Una Fe Radical
Amaba radicalmente. Realizó grandes signos, maravillas, curaciones y milagros. Nadie puede compararse con Él en compasión, bondad, ternura y gracia.
God is Speaking
When we allow our flesh to get involved, confusion comes into the equation. When we are delivering the word we think we are getting for another person, often as we speak it out we will hesitate, because we begin to realize there is flesh mixed into our re
Radical Faith
He loved radically. He performed great signs, wonders, healings, and miracles. None can compare to Him in compassion, kindness, tenderness, and grace.
October 26, 2019
A Christian Suicide
We need firm biblical ground work under our feet at a time like this. And so I want to try to take the Bible, God’s Word, and unfold five truths that I hope will give you a firm place to stand in the coming days.
October 25, 2019
God We Need A Touch Of Your Spirit
Get ready to hear our new podcast. Oh boy is this message filled with the boldness and truth of the Holy Spirit. This is one for the books. This message will be out tonight. You cannot afford to miss this message.
October 22, 2019
A Revival is coming
More than anything, we want to give you a practical plan for how you can live on fire for God when your world, your surroundings, your environment, your job, your school, your community, your family, and maybe even your church are not encouraging your walk in Christ.
El Avivamiento Viene
Más que nada, queremos darle un plan práctico sobre cómo puede vivir en llamas para Dios cuando su mundo, su entorno, su entorno, su trabajo, su escuela, su comunidad, su familia y tal vez incluso su iglesia no lo sean. alentando tu caminar con él.
October 17, 2019
La Pelea por tu mente
El enemigo quiere robar tu mente y concentrarte. Lo creas o no, solo se necesita un pensamiento y una oportunidad. Lo primero que debemos entender como creyentes en la guerra espiritual es que nuestra mente es un lugar de territorio.
The Fight for your mind
The enemy wants to steal your mind and focus. Believe it or not it only takes one thought and one opportunity. The first thing we must understand as believers in spiritual warfare is that our mind is a place of territory.
El Poder Del Aposento
La Iglesia primitiva en el aposento alto nunca perdió de vista su misión una vez que el Espíritu Santo los invadió. De todo corazón dependían del Espíritu Santo a través de la oración, el ayuno y la espera en Dios.
Power from The Upper Room
The early Church in the Upper Room never lost sight of their mission once the Holy Spirit invaded them. They wholeheartedly depended on the Holy Spirit through prayer, fasting and waiting on God.
October 13, 2019
Premature Death
Today we are going to talk about an untimely death. The death in fact of someone who was very close to Jesus, his friend Lazarus. You see when Jesus came into the world his purpose was two fold. One purpose was to participate fully in the human condition.
October 07, 2019
Guerra Espiritual
En estos últimos días, la batalla por el alma del hombre se está intensificando. Esta batalla se libra en cada individuo, cada iglesia, cada ciudad y cada nación. Aquellos que no entiendan este conflicto serán derrotados por él.
October 06, 2019
Spiritual Warfare 2
Any Christian who is mostly devoted to warfare will certainly be imbalanced, and he or she can be open to some of the greatest deceptions of all. As we are told in First Timothy 1: 5, “But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart.
October 04, 2019
Spiritual Warefare
Those who refuse to acknowledge the reality of the spiritual warfare we are in are inevitably overcome by it. Even so, we need not fear—He who is in us is much greater than he who is in the world.
September 24, 2019
Satan is Defeated
Today I decree that I will face satan in the name of Jesus Christ and His Host of Angel, because this is how I fight my battles against you old serpent of old , you old man, with my God leading the way and I’m protect by my tower of refuge.
In the days when Jesus walked the earth, He had little time or sympathy for religious leaders who loved to pray in public, only to impress men.
En los días en que Jesús caminaba por la tierra, tenía poco tiempo o simpatía por los líderes religiosos que amaban orar en público, solo para impresionar a los hombres.
September 23, 2019
Estamos en guerra
No cometer errores; estamos en guerra! Y no me estoy refiriendo al Medio Oriente. Se está librando un conflicto espiritual.
What is The difference of salvation vs sanctification
I’ve often been asked, “Cesar, what is the difference between salvation and sanctification?”
We are At War
Make no mistake; we are at war! And I am not referring to the Middle East. There is a spiritual conflict being waged.
September 10, 2019
Que Sabemos Sobre la Mujer Jezebel
¿Qué sabemos exactamente sobre esta mujer malvada Jezabel? ¿Y qué tenía de malo que Ahab se casara con ella en primer lugar? Comencemos con el matrimonio de Acab con Jezabel.
What do we know about Jezebel
What exactly do we know about this evil woman Jezebel? And what was so bad about Ahab’s marrying her in the first place? Let’s start with Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel.
Pobreza y Abundancia
Estos hechos sobre la pobreza y la abundancia deben calificarse aún más de dos maneras. Primero, debemos reconocer que la fe para apropiarse de la abundancia de Dios seguramente será probada.
Poverty and Abundance
These facts about poverty and abundance need to be further qualified in one of two ways. First, we must recognize that faith to appropriate God’s abundance is certain to be tested.
September 02, 2019
August 09, 2019
Lord Your Amor Protects Me
LORD YOUR ARMOR PROTECTS ME: Lord, I put on the whole armor of God as Your Word instructs me, that I may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
August 08, 2019
Seventy Times Seven
The scriptures talk about being turned over to the tormentors for not forgiving a debt. Then came Peter to him, and said, “Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? til seven times?” Jesus saith unto him, 'I say not unto thee
August 07, 2019
Comencemos con la tentación, el pecado y el arrepentimiento. Aquí hay una base para caminar en santidad y en el espíritu. Para una recuperación rápida y volver a la pies de Cristo si pecas.
My Lord Has Delivered Me
Many have tried to bring me done, defame me, discredit, stain my character, jail me and even kill me. But by the mercy and grace of God by His very own hands He has delivered me.
Hope in The Lord
We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. (Psalms 33: 20) Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. (Proverbs 30: 5)
August 06, 2019
Let’s start with temptation, sin and repentance. Here is a foundation for walking in holiness and in the spirit. For quick recovery and getting back on track if you sin.
July 23, 2019
False Evidence Appearing Real
The devil will stop at nothing to keep us tormented and in fear. This is where the lies are exposed. Call someone who knows Jesus and isn’t afraid to pray.
Hurt by Offenses
How can people assist those caught up in offense? We must love them unconditionally and listen to them. People with offense want to be valued and heard.
July 22, 2019
Lastimados por ofensas
¿Cómo pueden las personas ayudar a los que están ofendidos? Debemos amarlos incondicionalmente y escucharlos. Las personas con ofensa quieren ser valoradas y escuchadas.
You have been rescued
If we have been rescued from the dominion of darkness, then the evil one has no power over us. Jesus rescued us, and He did a good job of it. Consider yourself rescued.
Fuera Espiritu de Ofensa
Si has sentido el ataque del espíritu de ofensa en la casa de Dios o en algún otro lugar. Por favor, no dejes que este espíritu se establezca en ti. Por favor, para las siguientes oraciones y decretos, siéntase libre de adaptarlos a su situación.
Out Spirit of Offense!
If you have felt the attack of the spirit of offense in the house of God or some other place. Please don’t let this spirit take residence in you. Please for the following prayers and decree and feel free to adapt them to your situation.
July 09, 2019
Sometimes we have to burn our bridges
In the Bible, most of the people who were called into the Lord’s service had to burn their bridges in some respect. They had to make an irrevocable commitment. There was no going back; it was all or nothing.
Do Not Conform
A Christian person whose heart is perfect toward the Lord and is committed to Him views every issue from God’s perspective. He asks, “How does God see this?” not, “How will this work out for me?
No Envidies A Los Pecadores
No dejes que tu corazón envidia a los pecadores, sino sé celoso por el temor del Señor todo el día; porque seguramente hay un más allá, y tu esperanza no será cortada. (Proverbios 23: 17–18)
El temor del Señor y El Consolador el Espíritu Santo
Esta es una descripción de las primeras iglesias en Judea, Galilea y Samaria. Habían pasado por un tiempo de persecución despertado principalmente por Saul de Tarso, quien más tarde se convirtió en el apóstol Pablo.
July 08, 2019
Don't Envy Sinners
Do not let your heart envy sinners, but be zealous for the fear of the Lord all the day; for surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut off. (Proverbs 23: 17–18) We must be zealous in our fear of the Lord all day long.
The Fear of The Lord and The Comfort of the Holy Spirit
This is a description of the early churches in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria. They had passed through a time of persecution stirred up primarily by Saul of Tarsus, who was later converted and became the apostle Paul.
Todavia estan de Pies
La cruz de Cristo representa más que un símbolo o más que un recuerdo de un hecho asombroso hecho. El primer aspecto de la cruz que debemos mantener en el centro es que representa un sacrificio perfecto, todo suficiente.
July 07, 2019
They still stand
The Cross of Christ stands for more than a symbol or more than a memory of an awesome deed done. The first aspect of the cross that we must keep central is that it represents one perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice.
June 23, 2019
When All The World Cried Peace and Safety
“When they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief” (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
June 08, 2019
El Espiritu de Ofensa
El espíritu de ofensa se ha infiltrado en nuestras iglesias y causa división, disensión, conflicto, dolor y dolor. Debemos examinarnos a nosotros mismos, buscar dentro de nosotros mismos para ver cuándo y si surge la ofensa. Los pastores y líderes so
The Spirit of Offense
The spirit of offense has infiltrated our churches and causes division, dissension, strife, hurt, and pain. We must self-examine, searching within ourselves to see when and if offense arises.
June 05, 2019
Cuidado con profecias personales
Estoy profundamente preocupado de que en algunas partes del movimiento profético contemporáneo haya un énfasis excesivo en dar profecías personales a costa de predicar y enseñar la Palabra de Dios.
Be Aware of personal Prophecy
I’m deeply concerned that in some parts of the contemporary prophetic movement there is an overemphasis on giving out personal prophecy at the expense of preaching and teaching the Word of God.
Orgullo te costara todo
Ezequiel 28, que describe la rebelión de Lucifer: "Tu corazón se alzó [te sentiste orgulloso] por tu belleza; corrompiste tu sabiduría por tu esplendor ”(versículo 17). El corazón de Lucifer se enorgulleció por su belleza y esta fue la razón por
Pride will cost you everthing!
Ezekiel 28, which describes Lucifer’s rebellion: “Your heart was lifted up [you became proud] because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor” (verse 17). Lucifer’s heart was lifted up in pride because of his beauty
May 15, 2019
The Gates of Hades Shall not prevail
This is the new segment Manna from Heaven from A Voice In The Desert. Here will hear short inspirational message that will heal body, soul and spirit. The Gates of Hades Shall not prevail".
May 14, 2019
We Shall Trample Over The Kingdom of Satan
This is the new segment Manna from Heaven from A Voice In The Desert. Here will hear short inspirational message that will heal body, soul and spirit. The title of this segment is "We Shall Trample Over The Kingdom of Satan".
May 13, 2019
Not Being Prepared Can Cost you Your Life
This is the new segment Manna from Heaven from A Voice In The Desert. Here will hear short inspirational message that will heal body, soul and spirit. The title of this segment is "Not Being Prepared Can Cost you Your Life".
Good Bad, Bad Good
This is the new segment Manna from Heaven from A Voice In The Desert. Here will hear short inspirational message that will heal body, soul and spirit. The title of this segment is "Good Bad, Bad Good".
May 09, 2019
Passivity Kills
This is the new segment Manna from Heaven from A Voice In The Desert. Here will hear short inspirational message that will heal body, soul and spirit. The title of this segment is "Passivity Kills".
May 08, 2019
Ruler of this world
This is the new segment Manna from Heaven from A Voice In The Desert. Here will hear short inspirational message that will heal body, soul and spirit.
April 28, 2019
Does God Have a Soul?
Our soul consists of our mind, will, and emotions. Our soul is the “me” part of us. Our soul is who we are, who you are. We have been created as three-part beings: (1) We are physical, flesh, bones, body, blood, etc.; (2) We are spirit.
April 20, 2019
No Indignation in becoming man in order to save His creation
His destiny. "Thou madest him, for a little while, lower than the angels; ... thou didst put all things... under his feet." Nothing is left out; angels, principalities, powers, are included. How great the angels; how sublime the idea Scripture gives of th
April 10, 2019
Tested for your calling
God allows a certain amount of trials and tribulations to come our way in this life, but that He will also use some of these trials as a way of actually testing all of us out from time to time.
April 05, 2019
The Greatest fight in the Desert
So, at the very beginning of His ministry, Jesus is required to face the strongest temptations the devil could bring against Him. We can see this from v.1, where we see that the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness. The language of Mk. 1:12 is even
March 18, 2019
Divine Protection from Prideful Deception
God purposely chooses those without pride to receive His salvation and to understand His truth, as attested in 1 Corinthians 1: 26–29: For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are ca--
February 17, 2019
Merchants of Death
There has been tremendous growth and influence of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) around the world which is shocking and alarming. NAR apostles and prophets and their organizations is their tendency to say and do wild and crazy things that will certai
January 30, 2019
Aquí hay cuatro armas poderosas que puedes usar para luchar contra Satanás o sus demonios.
January 29, 2019
Aquí hay cuatro armas poderosas que puedes usar para luchar contra Satanás o sus demonios.
Here are four powerful weapons you can use to fight Satan or his demons.
January 02, 2019
Be aware of false prophets
Today we will show you the warning signs warning about false teachers and false doctrine. “God expects us to believe and obey the truth and that to be lead astray by false teachers is serious situation.”
Jesus prays to the Father
As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jes...
The Crisis in Eschatology: Understanding the End of the Age As we continue now with our study of the crisis in eschatology, the point I ...
Seeking Divine Guidance Daily Request the Creator to illuminate your daily path by placing the Divine at the center of your pursuits. By...
Unwavering Faith” ; Romans 1:2–5; There are few questions that have arisen over the course of human history that have caused more...