December 08, 2017

The Power Of Our Personal Testimony

The Power of our Personal Testimony

John 4


  1. I think we all can grasp and understand the power of a personal testimony. Advertisers in the real world use this tool all the time in an effort to get people interested in their product, and ultimately, to get them to buy it.
  • There is something persuasive about seeing and hearing a person who is a satisfied customer or who has had their life greatly changed or how they benefited because of such and such product or other things...
  • As well, it’s really powerful if you know that the person speaking out has nothing to gain personally. Folks paid advertisers such as actors or other known personality does not qualify as an actual testimony would do.
  1. Would you agree that the greatest decision anybody on this earth can make is to accept Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Savior? If you already know Christ, you have something in your possession that is powerful in persuading others to come, too the accepting knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

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