August 06, 2017

The Lego Batman Movie for Children gay agenda

Good day all,
This is a warning for you and your children. Please do not go see the movie of Lego Batman. We all know that Hollywood is one of the main institutions that satan uses to destroy all that is wholesome, good and Godly. Its what satan uses to spread his evil agenda and indoctrinate those that are weak of mind and are not aware that satan really exists. We as parents are responsible to bring up our children in the ways of the Lord. But satan has another agenda to spoil our world and lead us to condemnation.
The reference are so subtle that you won,t even notice. but that is satans agenda to make it seem so normal that its becomes the De-facto norm.
Do you remember the last remake of the beauty and the beast I advise you to review this article for a bit of background…/the-beauty-and-be…
Now let's get back to Lego Batman where in the cartoon batman is supposedly two people not one example Bruce Wayne and Batman. but there’s an ongoing joke in the film about Robin not realizing this and thinking he has two fathers. This is the subtle part were Hollywood tries too make it seem natural to have 2 fathers. If this not a reference towards homosexuality I don't know what is.
The fact Robin is so OK with having 2 fathers adopt him, plus the supposed hilarious relationship between the Joker and Batman is not normal. In the original batman TV series the Batman and the Joker were arch enemies and there was a clear line between Good and evil. Please don't take your children now to see the movie out of curiosity please. We are children of God and should boycott this movie and let ourselves be heard and let Hollywood know that we will not stand up to their evil agenda. If possible boycott the fun park Lego land to deliver our message we are not pleased with what you allowed to be done to the brand of Lego. Hit them where it hurts in the ticket sales, yes, their pockets.
People stand up and let yourself be heard. If by chance you do go see the movie and you notice these gay references please get up and go to the ticket window and ask for your money back. Also check out what they did to the movie a beauty and the beast.
Here is an excerpt of the movies review from
Read Below:
LEGO Batman could do a lot worse as a kids’ movie. The writers could have clumsily stacked topics such as gender identity, gender roles, and gender neutrality all over the story board like so many LEGOs. Instead, these topics hide in plain sight, because they are the foundation. Few parents and fewer kids will question any of it, because there’s a way to interpret all of it as technically innocent. That’s what makes these messages subliminal (and potentially powerful). LEGO Batman makes them seem plain as vanilla and American as apple pie.
For example, two men adopting a son together sounds like a dream come true to Richard, the orphan Bruce Wayne adopts without telling him he’s Batman. That’s why, when Richard hesitates to board a bat vehicle without Bruce-Dad’s permission, Batman tells him he and Bruce-Dad share custody of him. Richard doesn’t need Bruce-Dad’s permission; he has Bat-Dad’s!
This solution thrills Richard, who unblinkingly climbs aboard (and later becomes Robin). The bubbly young man is tickled as he spells it out for viewers: Yesterday he didn’t have a dad, and now he has two dads! Viewers may laugh, because they know it’s a farce: Bruce-Dad and Bat-Dad are one. Richard doesn’t learn the truth until the end, when Bat-Dad pulls off his mask to reveal Bruce-Dad’s face and tells Richard to call him “Dads.” Funny, right?
However, writing for The Mary Sue, Vivian Kane points out that “the audience is at no point supposed to believe that Bruce Wayne and Batman adopted Robin together…but Dick does, and he repeatedly, casually refer to his ‘two dads,’ without it ever feeling like a joke at the expense of gay relationships.”
Kane also considers the bromance in the film between Batman and the Joker and the threatening notion that “two presumably straight men can have a complex relationship, without the homophobic jokes usually trotted out to make it clear they’re no hint of attraction between the two.”
End of Quote-------------------------------------------------------
You decide! God Bless You all!

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