This generation calls this pride, LGBT, liberalism, homosexuality, lesbianism. Then you use the sign of the rainbow to represent this abomination. God says it's a sin PERIOD. Then what are those churches doing admitting gays be ordained as pastors are you insane you are not a church your are a devil worship center. Pure apostasy of the church but yet God warned this generation of these things to come. The devil tries to take God promise and turn them around. The rainbow was a promise from God to his people that never again he would destroy the earth with a catastrophic flood. What you do with your life is your free will and its consequences also, but DO NOT IMPOSE YOUR SINFUL LIFE STYLE ON US OR OUR CHILDREN. HOWEVER I must also say that we pray that you come to the realization that Jesus Christ died for you also on the Cross. All you have to do is repent accept Him as your Savior and turn from your wicked ways. Read about the meaning of the rainbow here:
PS: Political Correctness has no place in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. You are either for Him or against Him. You chose your destiny Heaven or Hell. I pray you chose Heaven.
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