God’s voice is a force. His Word has the power to move immovable circumstances and to transform situations. When we discern prophetically and then speak what God is revealing, that word has the power to heal, deliver and set free. Scripture declares tha
January 31, 2020
The Radical Cost Of Following Jesus Christ
• Scripture: Luke 9:56–62 And they went on to another village. 57 As they were going along the road, someone said to Him, "I will follow You wherever You go." 58 And Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the
January 18, 2020
Jesus was a man under Authority
Jesus was a man under authority. He worked according to the guidelines He and the Father had agreed to before He came to earth. The major guideline, as we noted in the last chapter, was that He would never use the power and rights of His divinity while on
La Autoridad De Jesus Cristo
Fue la autoridad en la que trabajó Jesucristo lo que más sorprendió a la gente de su época y lo que más cuestionaron los líderes judíos. Jesús experimentó una infancia y una edad adulta bastante normales, durante las cuales la gente de su ciudad
Jesus Christ's Authority
the authority in which Jesus Christ worked that most surprised the people of His day and that was most questioned by the Jewish leaders. Jesus experienced a fairly normal childhood and young adulthood, during which the people of His hometown apparen
Jesus fue un hombre bajo autoridad
Jesús era un hombre bajo autoridad. Trabajó de acuerdo con las pautas que Él y el Padre habían acordado antes de venir a la tierra. La directriz principal, como señalamos en el último capítulo, era que nunca usaría el poder y los derechos de su di
January 17, 2020
The Devil Has No Power
In reality, the devil has very little, if any, power or authority other than that granted him by those who obey him or by their ancestors.
January 02, 2020
Nunca Enfrentes un Demonio Sin La Presencia del Espiritu Santo
Les hablamos sobre estos temas porque la iglesia moderna no lo hace, por lo tanto, nuestra misión es prepararlos en el ámbito espiritual para defenderse y luchar contra estos demonios con la ayuda del Espíritu Santo. No perezcas por falta de conocimien
Never Confront a Demon Without The Presence of The Holy Spirit
We speak to you about these topics because the modern church does not so therefore it’s our mission to prepare you in the spiritual realm how to defend yourself and fight of these demons with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus prays to the Father
As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jes...
The Crisis in Eschatology: Understanding the End of the Age As we continue now with our study of the crisis in eschatology, the point I ...
Seeking Divine Guidance Daily Request the Creator to illuminate your daily path by placing the Divine at the center of your pursuits. By...
Unwavering Faith” ; Romans 1:2–5; There are few questions that have arisen over the course of human history that have caused more...