October 31, 2019

Dios esta Hablando

Cuando permitimos que nuestra carne se involucre, la confusión entra en la ecuación. Cuando estamos entregando la palabra, creemos que estamos recibiendo a otra persona, a menudo cuando hablamos, dudaremos, porque comenzamos a darnos cuenta de que hay carne mezclada con nuestra revelación

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October 30, 2019

Poder identificar la voz de Dios

Cuando reciba una respuesta de Dios, identifique cómo la escuchó. Identifica cómo Dios generalmente te habla. ¿Cómo recibes de Él? Luego, identifica cómo te hablas a ti mismo.

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Identifing Gods Voice

When you receive an answer from God, identify how you heard it. Identify how God usually talks to you. How do you receive from Him? Next, identify how you talk to yourself.

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Una Fe Radical

Amaba radicalmente. Realizó grandes signos, maravillas, curaciones y milagros. Nadie puede compararse con Él en compasión, bondad, ternura y gracia.

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God is Speaking

When we allow our flesh to get involved, confusion comes into the equation. When we are delivering the word we think we are getting for another person, often as we speak it out we will hesitate, because we begin to realize there is flesh mixed into our re

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Radical Faith

He loved radically. He performed great signs, wonders, healings, and miracles. None can compare to Him in compassion, kindness, tenderness, and grace.

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October 26, 2019

A Christian Suicide

We need firm biblical ground work under our feet at a time like this. And so I want to try to take the Bible, God’s Word, and unfold five truths that I hope will give you a firm place to stand in the coming days.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

October 25, 2019

God We Need A Touch Of Your Spirit

Get ready to hear our new podcast. Oh boy is this message filled with the boldness and truth of the Holy Spirit. This is one for the books. This message will be out tonight. You cannot afford to miss this message.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

October 22, 2019

A Revival is coming

More than anything, we want to give you a practical plan for how you can live on fire for God when your world, your surroundings, your environment, your job, your school, your community, your family, and maybe even your church are not encouraging your walk in Christ.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

El Avivamiento Viene

Más que nada, queremos darle un plan práctico sobre cómo puede vivir en llamas para Dios cuando su mundo, su entorno, su entorno, su trabajo, su escuela, su comunidad, su familia y tal vez incluso su iglesia no lo sean. alentando tu caminar con él.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

October 17, 2019

La Pelea por tu mente

El enemigo quiere robar tu mente y concentrarte. Lo creas o no, solo se necesita un pensamiento y una oportunidad. Lo primero que debemos entender como creyentes en la guerra espiritual es que nuestra mente es un lugar de territorio.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

The Fight for your mind

The enemy wants to steal your mind and focus. Believe it or not it only takes one thought and one opportunity. The first thing we must understand as believers in spiritual warfare is that our mind is a place of territory.

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El Poder Del Aposento

La Iglesia primitiva en el aposento alto nunca perdió de vista su misión una vez que el Espíritu Santo los invadió. De todo corazón dependían del Espíritu Santo a través de la oración, el ayuno y la espera en Dios.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

Power from The Upper Room

The early Church in the Upper Room never lost sight of their mission once the Holy Spirit invaded them. They wholeheartedly depended on the Holy Spirit through prayer, fasting and waiting on God.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

October 13, 2019

Premature Death

Today we are going to talk about an untimely death. The death in fact of someone who was very close to Jesus, his friend Lazarus. You see when Jesus came into the world his purpose was two fold. One purpose was to participate fully in the human condition.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

October 07, 2019

Guerra Espiritual

En estos últimos días, la batalla por el alma del hombre se está intensificando. Esta batalla se libra en cada individuo, cada iglesia, cada ciudad y cada nación. Aquellos que no entiendan este conflicto serán derrotados por él.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

October 06, 2019

Spiritual Warfare 2

Any Christian who is mostly devoted to warfare will certainly be imbalanced, and he or she can be open to some of the greatest deceptions of all. As we are told in First Timothy 1: 5, “But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

October 04, 2019

Spiritual Warefare

Those who refuse to acknowledge the reality of the spiritual warfare we are in are inevitably overcome by it. Even so, we need not fear—He who is in us is much greater than he who is in the world.

Check out this episode on The Voice In The Desert

Jesus prays to the Father

As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jes...