The devil will stop at nothing to keep us tormented and in fear. This is where the lies are exposed. Call someone who knows Jesus and isn’t afraid to pray.
July 23, 2019
Hurt by Offenses
How can people assist those caught up in offense? We must love them unconditionally and listen to them. People with offense want to be valued and heard.
July 22, 2019
Lastimados por ofensas
¿Cómo pueden las personas ayudar a los que están ofendidos? Debemos amarlos incondicionalmente y escucharlos. Las personas con ofensa quieren ser valoradas y escuchadas.
You have been rescued
If we have been rescued from the dominion of darkness, then the evil one has no power over us. Jesus rescued us, and He did a good job of it. Consider yourself rescued.
Fuera Espiritu de Ofensa
Si has sentido el ataque del espíritu de ofensa en la casa de Dios o en algún otro lugar. Por favor, no dejes que este espíritu se establezca en ti. Por favor, para las siguientes oraciones y decretos, siéntase libre de adaptarlos a su situación.
Out Spirit of Offense!
If you have felt the attack of the spirit of offense in the house of God or some other place. Please don’t let this spirit take residence in you. Please for the following prayers and decree and feel free to adapt them to your situation.
July 09, 2019
Sometimes we have to burn our bridges
In the Bible, most of the people who were called into the Lord’s service had to burn their bridges in some respect. They had to make an irrevocable commitment. There was no going back; it was all or nothing.
Do Not Conform
A Christian person whose heart is perfect toward the Lord and is committed to Him views every issue from God’s perspective. He asks, “How does God see this?” not, “How will this work out for me?
No Envidies A Los Pecadores
No dejes que tu corazón envidia a los pecadores, sino sé celoso por el temor del Señor todo el día; porque seguramente hay un más allá, y tu esperanza no será cortada. (Proverbios 23: 17–18)
El temor del Señor y El Consolador el Espíritu Santo
Esta es una descripción de las primeras iglesias en Judea, Galilea y Samaria. Habían pasado por un tiempo de persecución despertado principalmente por Saul de Tarso, quien más tarde se convirtió en el apóstol Pablo.
July 08, 2019
Don't Envy Sinners
Do not let your heart envy sinners, but be zealous for the fear of the Lord all the day; for surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut off. (Proverbs 23: 17–18) We must be zealous in our fear of the Lord all day long.
The Fear of The Lord and The Comfort of the Holy Spirit
This is a description of the early churches in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria. They had passed through a time of persecution stirred up primarily by Saul of Tarsus, who was later converted and became the apostle Paul.
Todavia estan de Pies
La cruz de Cristo representa más que un símbolo o más que un recuerdo de un hecho asombroso hecho. El primer aspecto de la cruz que debemos mantener en el centro es que representa un sacrificio perfecto, todo suficiente.
July 07, 2019
They still stand
The Cross of Christ stands for more than a symbol or more than a memory of an awesome deed done. The first aspect of the cross that we must keep central is that it represents one perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice.
Jesus prays to the Father
As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jes...
The Crisis in Eschatology: Understanding the End of the Age As we continue now with our study of the crisis in eschatology, the point I ...
Seeking Divine Guidance Daily Request the Creator to illuminate your daily path by placing the Divine at the center of your pursuits. By...
Unwavering Faith” ; Romans 1:2–5; There are few questions that have arisen over the course of human history that have caused more...