February 25, 2017
Obedience is better than Sacrifice!
You would think a life-threatening sea storm and a few days in a fish’s belly would shake some sense into a person. Yet that wasn’t the case with Jonah. The final paragraphs of his story reveal a vengeful prophet who ostensibly obeyed the Lord but allowed his heart to remain on the run and run from God.
Jonah paid a financial price for running from God—his ticket to Tarshish (Jonah 1:3). And any Sunday school student can tell you the physical consequences he endured. But when those events were long past, Jonah still grappled with the spiritual cost of his flight. His peace and joy were gone. This is what happens when we continue to runaway from God and especially from what he wants us and commands us to do and we don't want to for whatever the reason, either because we are afraid as was Jonah or we don't feel equipped or prepared. In their place was bitterness so strong that he begged God for the relief that death would bring. This can happen to any of us and we see it all the time when people commit suicide and take their own life which by the way it's an unforgivable sin. Just because we refuse to go to God tell him of our problems or fears or simply we are disobedient to what he has called us to do.
As believers, we cannot disobey the Lord without paying a price. Certainly our spiritual life weakens. The skills and abilities God has bestowed on us will atrophy from lack of use while we waste time fleeing. And our actions could also have negative consequences in other areas, such as our family, finances, and health.then why we wonder why has this happened or happening to me.
Perhaps you have a habit, a plan, or a current course of action that you know defies God’s will. Have you considered the cost? Though Satan may try to convince you otherwise, there are consequences for wrongdoing. The Lord is holy and righteous, and allowing people to get away with sin is simply incompatible with those attributes and he cannot turn a blind eye to sin. God only turned his eyes away from sin once and that was when his son was hanging in th cross of Calvary paying and taking upon his shoulder the sin of our lives. When God turned his eyes away was not that he was ignoring his son but it was because he cannot be in the presence of sin. What’s more, the price for following your own will is high. Just look at how miserable Jonah was because of the choices he made. The reward for obeying God is much more pleasing. Yes, there are times that pleasing our God is difficult because of our rebellion against the trails and tribulations of the world and my friends I agree this world is not fair. I can speak to you about this because I too have run from God because of my rebellion but the bad part is that it was not God's fault but mine. I will tell you that I paid dearly for sin and lost everything and I mean everything. But not until the Holy Spirit worked with my rebellion and made me see, I did not change. Then I started once again to turn my heart towards God and he forgave me restored not only me but is currently restoring what I once have lost. Amen . Remember obedience is better than sacrifice.
February 22, 2017
Who or What is mammon?
Who or What Is mammon?
Sermon on the Mount
It is the longest and fullest continued discourse of our Savior that we have upon record in all the gospels of the bible. Today we will be talking about Who or What is mammon? Why have I chosen to talk about mammon? I have chosen to speak about mammon because it’s one of the most controversial verses that have been interpreted in many ways and some anti-Christ have used the following verse to destroy the Church and it’s image.
The sermon on the Mount starts in Mathew 5-7. We are going to focus on the specific verse on Mathew 6:24. There are several interpretation of this verse in different bibles. In The NIV version it says: 24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
However we are going to focus on the King James Bible Version. In the KJV it says:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
February 18, 2017
He Is My King
Today's Podcast is dedicated to the qualities of Our Lord and Savior Jesus. In gratitude of His Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness and most of all His underserving Love for me and us. Though I did not originally write this sermon but was written by a man of God, named Pastor SM Lockridge. I couldn't find any better way to honor my God for all He has done in my life. When I was in the grips of deaths hands, My King and Savior snatched my life from the hands of death. I will forever praise your Mighty Name. I pray you will enjoy on some of the attributes of our Great and Awesome God Mentioned here. Thank you Abba Father!
February 07, 2017
A Voice In The Desert- The Holy Spirit - Podcast 6
The Holy Spirit
Hi All,
Welcome to the podcast series #6. Thank you for joining us at A Voice In The Desert were today we will deliver to you food for your soul literally. Today we will be speaking about the Holy Spirit. This is the third person of the Trinity of God.
We know that of us Christian’s are familiar with God The Father , God The Son, However the enigma of God The Holy Spirit eludes us to much of who and what its entity or purpose is.
So this podcast will shed light and knowledge of The Holy Spirit also known as the Holy ghost. May this podcast bless you and fill you with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
February 05, 2017
satan equals doubt
In this verse we see when Jesus was sent to the desert to be tested. Immediately satan shows up to Jesus and gives him his first test and that was to doubt that he was the son of God and you read this "if thou be the son of God,". If satan can make him doubt that he is the Son of God would not have accomplished that which the Father sent him to do which was to free his creation from sin and forgive them.
Remember, that satan's mission is to make you doubt about yourself. Why? Because when you doubt you forget about the freedom and forgiveness of sin and that you are a partaker with Jesus in Heaven as children of God. Here comes satan to make you think you are worthless because he keeps reminding you of your sins and failures and that you are not prepared and don't have the capacity,or that you can't be healed.
Why does satan do this because he knows that if he makes you doubt, satan will know that he has finished you off. Because he would have killed your faith and make you forget the mercy and grace under which you where saved.
Always remember that God has given you forgiveness, mercy, grace and above all the saving power of Faith. Never doubt your faith no matter what your problem or circumstance maybe. Always remember when you accepted Christ God forgave your sins as far as the east is from the west and he will not remember them ever again.
Increase your faith everyday by serving your Lord and Savior with all your heart and faith because he will never leave you or fail you. Remember, the goal of satan is to make you lose your faith and then he will claim your soul to eternal damnation, that is his goal.
So, dear brothers and sisters resist the wiles of the enemy and continue your race toward getting your crown of eternal salvation.
So my brothers never doubt but believe with great faith.
God Bless You!
February 04, 2017
These Two things are true!
Love God first above all, second love your neighbor as yourself. Of the things I have written and post please engrave this biblical verse in you mind and heart. I praise father God for your truth is ever enduring and merciful and loving, I worship you above all thing. May all my friends that are reading this I Pray the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ upon you.
Hold on, for he is just and able to deliver you from all evil. Amen! Spread this message on fire and send and post it plus share with everyone everywhere. Even from the rooftop shall his name be praised.
February 01, 2017
Meet Belial The Demon - Podcast Series 5
Does Failure and frustration seem to be your lot in life? Is your life characterized by continual setbacks and misfortune, missed opportunities, bad luck? Does it appear as though no matter what you do in life, you cannot seem to obtain the blessings of the Lord?
Well let me tell you that you my just be bonded by a curse that is demonic and has been around for ages. You might think I'm out of my mind. However , there are things in the Bible that points to the demise of our country and of ourselves and loved one. Let us not be fooled for if we believe in Christ we have to also acknowledge the existence of satan. Since satan is the prince of air on this earth and he is not omnipresent or omnipotent that means he needs soldiers in his army because he cannot be everywhere at once or fight everyone at once. So when Lucifer the angel of light was thrown out of Heaven because he wanted to be like God and during that revolt many angels that were on his side they were expelled along with their ring leader down to the lowest depths of earth. So, from the moment Lucifer meaning angel of light was expelled so was also his name changed to satan meaning adversary.
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