November 06, 2015

Created to worship God

How did satan come to be. Lucifer once a Cherub angel was the worship leader for God. The moment Lucifer decide not to worship God he became satan the adversary.

So what does satan want to do in our lives. Remember God created us to praise him. That right satan wants to steal our worship to our creator.

Pride was satan's downfall because he wanted the worship all to himself.

So when you go to church the next time and you keep quiet and don't sing the worship songs and praise him, remember it's your pride that impedes you from doing it and we know what that did to Lucifer.

Praise God in all times, in all times, good or bad time praise him all the time.

Sin takes your character away

Sin takes your character and takes away your confidence away from God, thus putting distance between you and God.

Remember John 10:10

The thief comes only to steal and kill; I have come that they have life, and have it to the full.

In this verse the evil comes to take your life and this is meant literally.

Now look at the following verse

John 10:11

I am the good Shepard ; the good Shepard lays down His life for the sheep.

The evil takes away life but our God gives his life for us.

Our sins our forgiven before God when we truly repent and turn away from it. So don't let sin put distance between you and God , but instead put distance between you and sin.

Easier said than done, but never stop being close to Jesus Christ.

God Bless.

By his mercy do I live

We say that this world has gone crazy and out of hand. But do we each do our part to restore Gods peace.

In the following verse he gives us what are some of the things we must do.

Micah 6:8

New International Version

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

This is summed up the following way:

1- Do Justice

2- Love Mercy

3- Walk Humbly

It is by his mercy we have health, it's by his mercy we have a roof over our head, it's by his mercy we have food on our table, it's by his mercy that we live.

Therefore, let us be merciful.

God bless.

Jesus prays to the Father

As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jes...