April 09, 2015


We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.




In order to enter into a maturity in Christ we will enter and have to endure hardships in our lives and that defy our selfishness. With this that go against our flesh we have to defeat. This is difficult because this is not a godly world but a selfish world.

Recovery is our choice.

Jesus learned obedience by the things he suffered. Peter learned obedience by the things he suffered. Paul learned obedience by the things he suffered.  What about us?  Because if we have turned hard, callous, bitter and cold. Then this means that we have learned nothing at all. I know it's hard to learn in the face of adversity but our very soul depends on it.  Don't stop now and continue to search. Rebuild your communication with Christ again. I know it's hard because  hey I'm trying to re-establish my communication with God and it's hard for me also.  However, I thank God for his promise. He who started a good work in you will be faithful and just to complete it. Amen.

Breaking up to fall back into place.

My dear readers,

When you think your life is falling apart and nothing can be done. That is actually when everything is falling into place. Because that is when we look up to him  and say; now what? And he replies those are the pieces that I need in order to finish my work in You! Wow!

Guilty as Charged.

1 Timothy 1:18 calls us to "war a good warfare". 1 Timothy 6:12 calls us to "fight the good fight of faith". Why have we Christians allowed Satan to reign free to wreck havoc a mess with our lives. Some of personal beliefs are as follows, like some say, that we have forgotten to pray to God, we believe we can do things in our own effort, that demons only existed during Jesus time, we do not read the bible and we do not believe and especially practice it.

PS: Guilty as charged, yes me. I don't know about you! You're  probably a better person than I am. I don't think so, hahahahah sorry had to throw that one in ;-)

Are we exempt?

Sooner or later the enemy will destroy the careless and foolish. It's a shame to think that many of these will also be Christian brothers & sisters. Yes, it can be us also. The question is what do we do not to fall into temptation but the question is how do we recover if and when we do. Because trust me we will fall and stumble in our walk. We are not perfect that's why we needed Christ because only he can wipe us clean! Amen ;-)

Can demons posses a converted christian?

Another misconception of people and Christians alike is that demons cannot bother believer. Demons cannot take over a Christian completely but they can oppress and harass by the enemy's activity.

These are some of the most common demons that attack the church (trust me there are plenty more):

The spirit of religion: the church of Ephesus had left their first love Rev 2.4 they were a perfectly sound church in all their ways. During the birth of the church theybwere baptizing in water, laying hands on the people for the baptism of the holy spirit. Magnifying God in tongues, casting out demons and healing with prayer cloths. Yet still being so close to God the devil sent in an army from the division of religion and what this did was to dull the senses of the church and filled it with traditionalism. What this caused was people were no longer being healed delivered or baptised in the holy spirit. This sounds very familiar to the likes of today's church. It has been put into a trance. A loveless routine of religious works has replaced the passion of God  and the Holy spirit.

The spirit of itimidation: the church at Smyrna endured persecution and many members of it's church suffered martyrdom (in other words killed for being followers of Jesus Christ). Now, with this type of threat a result of following Jesus no wonder people got scared. This is an old tactic of satan used to scared Christians into not following Jesus. Remember the incident when Peter denied Christ three times, this was because of intimidation and the fleshes natural reaction to defend it's self no what the circumstance.

The spirit of compromise Rev 2:12, 14-17): Pergamos was the capital city of the province in Asia and it's also the seat of one of the seven churches as mentioned in Revelation. This city is a very historical city full of literature and art.This city had false god that was a snake . This city had a lot of influence in culture from Greece thus the dirty of a snake and many others to me this sound like many city's in america to me a make direct correlation to NYC full of many influence and city dominated by Satan and his demons. Imagine our Christian churches serving and trying to work in this type of environment. The churches inn these places have become comfortable with the sin around them. Not all churches but yes the majority. We as a church must not allow this compromise to occur. Because of of this situation paul penned Ephesians 6. To rid this demon , first we must recognize the conflict , two we must repent of compromise. Some other issues this church had was problems with doctrines and discipline problems.

PS. More to come in the future

Demonic Activity!

The bible never mentions or at least I think it
hasn't mentioned that demonic activity has
been restricted to a speciļ¬c era or time
frame.On the contrary the bible says let us
not be ignorant of his device as is
mentioned in 2 Corinthians 2:11, 11 in order
that Satan might not outwit us. For we are
not unaware of his schemes.this is one of
his devices so people can deny his


2 Corinthians 11:13-15;  13 For such people
are false apostles, deceitful workers,
masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And
no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades
as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising,
then, if his servants also masquerade as
servants of righteousness. Their end will be
what their actions deserve.

 Wow, here the
bible also tells us that not only Satan but
also his demons masquerade as children
of light. This is one of his many devices
used to deceive us. This can only be
defeated and detected by prayer and
only though the blood of Jesus.

Can Man Tame Evil?

Let none of us think that we can tame the 
evil one nor that we can peacefully coexist 
with the enemy. Compromise is also an 
effective tool of satan.

Jesus prays to the Father

As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jes...