October 29, 2013

So much has happened to the modern church.

So much hype, so little hope.

So much freedom, so little sacrifice.

So much teaching, so little transformation.

So much preaching, so little passion.

So much catering, so little gratitude.

Mathew 24:24
New King James Version (NKJV)

24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Mark 13:20
New King James Version (NKJV)

20 And unless the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake, whom He chose, He shortened the days.

PS: So do not fear for there are still plenty of true Christ centered church's out there. All we have to do is ask God to guides us to them.

When you do find that church please don't try to change them, criticize them. Just put your hand to the plow and work with them.

God bless.

October 27, 2013

No, not a massage.

When I visit a church I want a message not a massage.No, really!

Never Cater

A church should never cater to the crowds desire; they should change the crowds desires.

Modern Churches

Modern churches have created an atmosphere where man feels accepted and God feels rejected 

Churches have worked so hard to make its self attracted to the flesh at the expense of becoming appalling to God.


Authority is given to you not to set you apart but only to serve.

To those pastors

To those pastors that are preaching the unadulterated word of God, to those pastors that are preaching the truth of the bible, to those pastors that are refusing to join the prosperity adulterated gospel. To those pastors that are sounding the alarms as per the word of God. To those pastors that stand on the wall being watchmen. I thank the almighty God for have chosen them to lead his people. I thank God for these strong men of God that take their mission willingly as instructed by God.

For these pastors would continue to to preach and lead their church for if it were for only one.

Just the way Jesus would have given his life if it were for only one.

To these men of God. What you have started in the spirit will end in the spirit.

To my Pastor Thank You.

The days that are coming are tough

When we start a relationship with God it starts in the spirit. As we continue through life and our relationship with God. We need to keep an eye out for our flesh because sooner or later our flesh will try to continue what was stated in the spirit.

Stay very close to God. Stay as close to God as your ear to his mouth. God never screams he whispers.

To hear his whisper we need an intimate relationship with God.

Please pick up that dusty bible and start strengthening your spirit. The days that are coming are tough and have eternal ramifications.

More time to Party.

God is not giving us more time to party. He is giving us space to repent.

Read Rev. 2:21


God has a holy abhorrence to anything that would hinder us to be reconciled to God.


And peace and quiet shall be your strength.

God Hates Sin.

Why does this generation find it difficult to believe that God hates sin?

Because a lot of people have been deceived into believing a totalitarian prosperity Gospel. A sweetening of Gods word, an adulterine of Gods word.

All this done by wolves in sheeps clothing.

This happens because we don't read or meditate on Gods word and we cannot tell about false teachings. We lack a praying life.

Get into a right relationship with God.

October 08, 2013


Temptation is unique to maturing Christian's. Why? Because temptation is training under combat situations. A sinner cannot be tempted because they are already immoral. However, temptation is limited warfare.  God limits that warfare to the point of it being bearable so we might escape from it. 

Temptation is allowed in the holiest of lives just to show and teach us the limitation of the evil one. The secret to overcoming temptation is defeat fear. Remember God did not give us a spirit of fear. Gear yourself up in prayer, fasting and in the Word of God.

October 01, 2013

Our Government shuts down

In 5 minutes the US government closes down. Wow what a sad state we are in. All this decadence just because we turned our back on God. 

Our leaders no longer seek their guidance or governance regarding our country to the Almighty God. 

In God we trust. God bless the United States of America. I wonder if the really know what it means.

Jesus prays to the Father

As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jes...