November 21, 2013


Attacks of troubles, discord and strife in local churches have been universal strategies that the enemy has always used in Christian churches.

Concerning these types of demonic attacks, the word of God says "for where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work"
James 3:16

The word envy is from the Greek word zelos and it means to promote ones own ideas and convictions to the exclusion of everyone else's ideas.

This is plain carnality and it has no place in the body of Christ. 

This brings a lot of heartache and difficulties. 

They way to control this is to hold our minds captive to that of Christ. 

Just try it God is never wrong.

October 29, 2013

So much has happened to the modern church.

So much hype, so little hope.

So much freedom, so little sacrifice.

So much teaching, so little transformation.

So much preaching, so little passion.

So much catering, so little gratitude.

Mathew 24:24
New King James Version (NKJV)

24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Mark 13:20
New King James Version (NKJV)

20 And unless the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake, whom He chose, He shortened the days.

PS: So do not fear for there are still plenty of true Christ centered church's out there. All we have to do is ask God to guides us to them.

When you do find that church please don't try to change them, criticize them. Just put your hand to the plow and work with them.

God bless.

October 27, 2013

No, not a massage.

When I visit a church I want a message not a massage.No, really!

Never Cater

A church should never cater to the crowds desire; they should change the crowds desires.

Modern Churches

Modern churches have created an atmosphere where man feels accepted and God feels rejected 

Churches have worked so hard to make its self attracted to the flesh at the expense of becoming appalling to God.


Authority is given to you not to set you apart but only to serve.

To those pastors

To those pastors that are preaching the unadulterated word of God, to those pastors that are preaching the truth of the bible, to those pastors that are refusing to join the prosperity adulterated gospel. To those pastors that are sounding the alarms as per the word of God. To those pastors that stand on the wall being watchmen. I thank the almighty God for have chosen them to lead his people. I thank God for these strong men of God that take their mission willingly as instructed by God.

For these pastors would continue to to preach and lead their church for if it were for only one.

Just the way Jesus would have given his life if it were for only one.

To these men of God. What you have started in the spirit will end in the spirit.

To my Pastor Thank You.

The days that are coming are tough

When we start a relationship with God it starts in the spirit. As we continue through life and our relationship with God. We need to keep an eye out for our flesh because sooner or later our flesh will try to continue what was stated in the spirit.

Stay very close to God. Stay as close to God as your ear to his mouth. God never screams he whispers.

To hear his whisper we need an intimate relationship with God.

Please pick up that dusty bible and start strengthening your spirit. The days that are coming are tough and have eternal ramifications.

More time to Party.

God is not giving us more time to party. He is giving us space to repent.

Read Rev. 2:21


God has a holy abhorrence to anything that would hinder us to be reconciled to God.


And peace and quiet shall be your strength.

God Hates Sin.

Why does this generation find it difficult to believe that God hates sin?

Because a lot of people have been deceived into believing a totalitarian prosperity Gospel. A sweetening of Gods word, an adulterine of Gods word.

All this done by wolves in sheeps clothing.

This happens because we don't read or meditate on Gods word and we cannot tell about false teachings. We lack a praying life.

Get into a right relationship with God.

October 08, 2013


Temptation is unique to maturing Christian's. Why? Because temptation is training under combat situations. A sinner cannot be tempted because they are already immoral. However, temptation is limited warfare.  God limits that warfare to the point of it being bearable so we might escape from it. 

Temptation is allowed in the holiest of lives just to show and teach us the limitation of the evil one. The secret to overcoming temptation is defeat fear. Remember God did not give us a spirit of fear. Gear yourself up in prayer, fasting and in the Word of God.

October 01, 2013

Our Government shuts down

In 5 minutes the US government closes down. Wow what a sad state we are in. All this decadence just because we turned our back on God. 

Our leaders no longer seek their guidance or governance regarding our country to the Almighty God. 

In God we trust. God bless the United States of America. I wonder if the really know what it means.

September 30, 2013

Totally Empty Inside

It's sad but true, that many people in our churches do not have an intimate relationship with our savior Jesus Christ. Sometime they may experience his presence during a powerful worship service , but after they leave and start their weekly routine they are barren, cold and totally empty inside. 

What this means is that they really haven't entered into a total intimate relationship with Christ. Wake up before it's to late. 

Two Dogs

Our walk with God is one that has two part. The first is our spirit and the second is our flesh. Let's say you have a white dog represents your Spirit, the second is a black dog and it represents your flesh. Let's say that both dogs have a fight. Which Dog will win the fight?

Yes, the dog you feed the most wins the fight. So be very careful with your thought life also. Which dog are you feeding? Feed your thought life daily with the word of God .

Read Philippians 4:8

Our enemy is dangerous

Our enemy is dangerous. He's not playing around. He has one agenda: to steal, kill, and destroy those of us trying to accomplish God's plan. The enemy knows that If we are not intently and diligently careful in our Christian life he will slowly creep in and start to paralyze our ability to pray and worship God. Eventually death will try to seek us out.

Two types of attacks

We know the symptoms to a heart attack, such as :

1-Discomfort and pressure in the chest.

2- Pain in one or both arms.

3- shortness of breath

However, do we know when you have a spiritual attack. Okay, lets see:

1- Loss of spiritual desire

2- Life issues cutting into your time with the Word.

3- Feeling a disconnect when you pray.

4- Excuses why not to attend church.

5- Worldly pursuits start taking the place of Godly pursuits.

6- Physical fatigue because the spirit is not able.

7- A Lack attack: when everything start breaking down and running out.

8- Weak prayer life.

9- Feeling overwhelmed

10- Old ways resurface.

11- Pulling away from godly relationships

You might say why do you have more symptoms for Spiritual Attacks than heart attack. The answer is easy a heart attack kills only the body but a spiritual attack will kill you for an eternity.

Don't just recognize it but act against it . My love and blessing to all.

Spiritual battle

When you get into a spiritual battle the enemy will try to pull you away from church. He'll do it with all his might. Remember the story of the prodigal son.

As long as the son was in his fathers house, he was safe; it was when he abandoned his father house and went to a foreign country that he lost everything.

Remember, the church is the place of power.

When the enemy tells you to stay home, that's when you should get ready to run to church, knowing that God has a word to strengthen you that you will not get anywhere else.

Blessing, keep running the race and fighting the good fight.

Experience the presence

In order to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit there must be an atmosphere of Holiness, Purity, Praise, Worship, Prayer, Love and Unity. Anyone of these are missing and not given in all. We will mostly miss his presence.

Your first response

Let there be no doubt as a born again believer we have been given the authority over any demon that tries to torment our life. God gives us "the garment of praise" for the spirit of heaviness or despair (Isa. 61:3)

When in that situation your first response is to take authority over it and rebuke it in the name of Jesus.

Do not give in to those negative, harmful, demonic thoughts of despair.

If you humble yourself and resist the devil, he will flee.

I don't know why I had to write this specific post, but I believe someone need to hear this.

God Bless.

September 29, 2013

To conform

Many people who claim to be Christians try to conform the Word of God to fit their lives rather than conforming their lives to the Word of God...


Most of you might be wondering to whom I'm usually addressing these writings too.

Simple, I'm addressing them to myself because I have to remind myself that I'm imperfect and it's only through Gods word that I'm constantly renewed and delivered.

Thank you God that your word continues to chisel me into your image, because that is what I'm striving for. The price to see your Glory is to get rid of my old self . It's a very painful process. I love my God.

Once again

To all my family and friends thank you so much of all your prayers.

God once again stands in the gap for me and protects me from the evil ones attack. Thank you my Savior.

The evil one has a hit on me but he can't for my God is way mightier than him.

All the hits he has placed on me have all failed, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

The glory and honor to my God.

Nastiest tool

Lets us not fear but have trust in Jesus Christ, Amen. Fear is the devils oldest and nastiest tool.

Joshua 24:15

Joshua 24:15

then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,

This is a decision that we must make on a daily basis as we go thru life. Make sure you choose wisely. I chose to walk the narrow path that the Lord has paved for me. Yes, though it is the most difficult path. Our God took the most difficult path for us also, he sacrificed his son for our deliverance.God as I walk this narrow path all I ask is that you walk it with me and strengthen when I fall and stumble.Love you back. Amen...

Difficulties are necessary

Sometimes difficulties are necessary so we might learn greater truths... God, grant us the wisdom and guidance to learn from the difficulties that ultimately lead us to your truths...

Food for the wise!

Food for the wise!

Hebrews 12:11

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

No Future

A Nation that kills its unborn thus it's future, will have no future.

No longer a Judeo-Christian Nation

America is no longer a Judeo-Christian Nation.... I wonder who said that. Hummm... Now I remember... Obama.... That's not what our founding fathers said about this great nation. In God We Trust. I do not trust Obama. It's not to late, lets help him find a job in a non Christian nation and then let's see what he says. Turn your back on Israel and we turn our back on God.

Political correctness

The more we slide away from our founding principles the further our country deteriorates. Can we not see what is happening to our country. Screw political correctness, forget about tolerance, lets do what is right get get about our fathers business.

Weed be gone.

Remember that the wild seeds we plant today , they shall surely become the weeds in our life tomorrow. Instead of sowing wild seed lets sow the word of God so we can reap they joy of his love and salvation. The word of God is the perfect Weed be Gone...

Not smarter

Satan is not smarter than us, he just has more experience.

So called Christians

A lot of us so called Christians say that we love the American Dream and thus we have turned the church into the American church.

Please... Don't get me wrong I love my country, loved it so much that I too served it.

However we have turned the church to a church of compromise an apostate church We have molded the church to our preferences, our amenities, our programs, our events, our mega church's a church for everyone. With the best of intentions we have turned away from Jesus...

People, I'm sorry to say Jesus' is only for those who are willing to give it up all for him and do as he says.

Here we stand amid, an American dream, dominated by self advancement, self esteem, and self sufficiency, by individualism, materialism and universalism. None of these demonstrate Gods desire for us.

We have an urgent need to get back to a biblical gospel. When we do we will save ourselves our family and especially our great country USA.

God Bless.

Moving down, not up

When I started my career in the corporate world. I thought of my success as climbing up the top of the corporate ladder. However only to realize success in the kingdom of God is moving down, not up.

Right wing extremist-domestic terrorists

To the U.S Government they considers right wing extremist-domestic terrorists, those who are Pro-lifers, anti-gay marriage , believers of end time prophecies people that believe in the book of revelations, patriots. They consider us terrorist. Listen Uncle Sam , since you now our tapping in everything we do and you are no longer a government for the people and by the people call me what you want. All I know is that I am the son of the most highest and a follower of Jesus Christ. Now put that in you pipe and smoke. Use this evidence against me, I'm proud to stand Judgement for my Lord and Savior. Amen...

Good Works?

God will not allow us to think our good works and clean habits can save us. That is why we need a cross. To show that we can never do it under our strength but only by his POWER.


Today was an awesome day. Why you ask? Because today once again I was chastised for being a follower of Christ! It hurts but it's a good hurt

Blessed are you, when you are persecuted for my sake.

Rob me

I'm convinced Satan wants to rob me of only one thing, and that is my faith. He really doesn't want morals or my good deeds or my dreams. He wants to destroy my faith and make me believe that God has forsaken me. Therefore since I know the wiles of the enemy. I continue to fortify my faith through his word daily, through prayer daily. Then the nail in the coffin is with fasting. Thank you for your spirit, mercy, grace but overall your love.

Sacrifice requires

In the middle of the battle I believe I have finally found , I never knew the thrill of victory until I truly die to self.

I surrender all, even if the price to follow cost me everything. If sacrifice requires that all my kingdoms fall then I surrender all , Amen. Why surrender all? Because your grace will be more than sufficient to sustain me than my kingdoms.

I can live without many things

I can live without many things and I'll get by. The one thing I cannot live without is with the love and grace of my Savior.

I am a Christian

Two times in your life

Folks, always remember there are two times in your life when you are especially vulnerable to temptation: when you have nothing and when you have everything.

So, stay close to God in both good times and bad times.

Focus on God's promises not on the problem.

Read this one Psalm 37:25.

Garment of Praise

As a disciple of Christ the greatest thing I do to combat depression and oppression is put on the garment of praise.

Praise the Lord

No matter what tomorrow brings or what it has in store I will PRAISE The Lord !

How good is good enough?

How good is good enough? There is a problem with this question.

The trouble with trying to be good enough. It only makes us weary and frustrated. Our attempts at self salvation guarantees nothing but exhaustion.

We are saved only by GRACE

2 Timothy 1:9

9 He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.


A simple definition of Grace is:

God's unmerited favor


Through a thousand trials I might have to traverse. But each and everyone of them are a confirmation to your awesome and wonderful deliverance of mercy and grace.

Love you Lord


The worst thing we can do in our walk with God is not forgiving others. This will definitely keep the Holy Spirit away from our lives.

If there is one thing I will be working on until my last breath is true forgiveness. The only thing that will help me is the Word of my God.

The Blood

The Blood has never lost its power.

A crown on his head and a sickle in his hand

I will not be downcast because of the tactics of the evil one; but I will rejoice on the abundant Grace and Mercy of My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

A crown on his head and a sickle in his hand, rejoice for the harvest is at hand, Amen.

Disciples, lets get to work the time is short, lets get the word of salvation to those that do not know it. Let our lives be that example of how we live it. Especially in hard times , let it be the example.

My love to all...

The power of God is released when

The power of God is released when we the true believers choose not to conform to the ways of the world; but we choose to transform our mind, will and emotions by God's word.

Easy to say but hard to do. This can only done by a true disciple .

When is a church powerful

Do you know when a church is its most powerful. When we become unashamed of saying who we serve!

When we become unashamed we empower the kingdom of God.

Believe in Him

Ask people to not believe in you but believe in Him.


A church that is filled with integrity is one that puts the Word of God above everything else.

Just bend your knees

Come boldly to his throne of grace, even when you have sinned and failed. He instantly forgives those who repent with godly sorrow.

Just bend your knees, open your heart, cry out your agony and your pains. This is prayer.

Praying When in Trouble

Most of the time we pray when we are in trouble or in the midst of a trial.

However we should be leaning on Jesus through the good and the bad.

We should be getting our strength and help long before the problems overtake us.

I'm imperfect

Most of you might be wondering to whom I'm usually addressing these writings too.

Simple, I'm addressing them to myself because I have to remind myself that I'm imperfect and it's only through Gods word that I'm constantly renewed and delivered.

Thank you God that your word continues to chisel me into your image, because that is what I'm striving for. The price to see your Glory is to get rid of my old self . It's a very painful process. I love my God.

Empty and Dry

No wonder we feel so empty and dry. We have simply neglected the secret closet of prayer.

The only way to dispel that emptiness and dryness more quickly than an hour or more just shut in with God.

Go ahead and try it. You have tried everything else and it hasn't worked!

Jesus prays to the Father

As a Christian Minister, it is my honor and privilege to share the message of John 17:16 with you. This powerful verse, which comes from Jes...